Are there any Muslims on this site? What do you really think of us(Christans)? Are we someone to be conqured and converted? What do you think of al-Qaida or Osama bin Laden or for that matter Sadam Hussain and the Iraq war. I don’t know any Muslims and really want to know your true feelings.

P.S. Do you feel welcome on this site?
I had a dialogue over a year ago with a weak Christian who married a Muslim and converted…now lives in Saudi Arabia. She was Canadian.
Anyway, she told me this: They look at Christian/Catholics as true believers and hope/pray for our conversion as they {Muslims} are only 1 step away. They believe that Mohammed was the last prophet and that Jesus Christ was not God’s son, but only a prophet from the line of Abraham, Moses, Elijah…etc.
She told me that their religion is a peaceful one, and preaches against violence. She also told me that the Qua’ran is mathematically impossible for anyone to compose. There’s something about the number of words, verses, etc, and that the Archangel Michael had quoted the entire thing to Mohammed.
Of course, we know from the Qua’ran itself that it is not only a religion but a political system. It suppresses other beliefs. It gives Jews and Christians “permission” to practice but if we deny the Islamic faith, we must be put to death. To them, there is no life outside of Mohammed and we are wrong, wrong, wrong.
I once asked a priest visiting from the Middle East how to respond to this woman…and he asked me if I though Mohammed stodd up to Jesus. I told him that of course he does not…but unfortunately, that does not help me have an intelligent apologetical discussion with a Muslim woman.
I’m sorry I don’t remember more and I can’t find my posts to her or from her. If I remember more, I’ll post it here.
Incidentally, in college I did a paper on Fundamentalism and Islamic Terrorism…I only wish I knew then what I know now. I’d discussed various goups and their threats against the US and Western civilization. Had I been able to predict what would have happend I would have studied the information much more deeply!