What do Muslims think?

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Are there any Muslims on this site? What do you really think of us(Christans)? Are we someone to be conqured and converted? What do you think of al-Qaida or Osama bin Laden or for that matter Sadam Hussain and the Iraq war. I don’t know any Muslims and really want to know your true feelings. :confused:
P.S. Do you feel welcome on this site? :confused: :confused:
OK, no Muslims looking at this. Anyone else have a firsthand knowledge of what they think of us Christians in general and us Catholics in particular. :confused:
They think you, me, and our jewish brothers are the infidel and we all have to die . . .
OK, no Muslims looking at this. Anyone else have a firsthand knowledge of what they think of us Christians in general and us Catholics in particular. :confused:
Most of them don’t think of you. They have their own lives to live and their concerns are far from Christianity and Catholicism.
Isnt the videotaped beheadings of prisoners, and the possible execution of another American TOMORROW …or all the suicide bombings, or better yet, planes flying into the two towers tell ya what they think of Americans and Christians? :confused:

When somebody has declared WAR on my country, my heritage and my faith, I could care less what their reasoning is…I aint asking them why do you hate me? I’m too busy PROFILING them and trying to stay ALIVE to care about their feelings.
I was in a nine-week intensive immersion Arabic program with a mixed group of Muslims, Christians (of which I was one), Jews, and just plain infidels. I found that the serious but not extremist Muslims (*mutadayyin * as opposed to mutatarrif or mutashaddid) accepted and respected me as a *mutadayyin * Christian.

However, the numbers and proportions of the mutatarrifuun/mutashaddiduun are increasing. For them, the only acceptable result of the *jihaad * that they are waging is if all non-Muslims are either converted, dead, or living as second-class citizens under Sharii`ah law.

I agree with all you said Faithful 2 Rome. My neighbor just returned from Iraq this past week. He said that they teach their children almost from the cradle to hate westerners, and to hate Americans more than everyone else.

Christian love is what Jesus taught us, and we should do everything in our power/freewill to follow His examples, but sadly, not all feel the same way or put the same value on life as we do.

We must all pray for muslims, but never be lulled into believing that, as as whole, they have the same values of life as Christians do. Pray for them,but always watch you back.
Westerners who are not familiar with Arabs or Islam tend to attribute the characteristics and behavior of Arabs to all Muslims. There are about 250 million Arabs and about one billion Muslims.

Indonesia is the largest Muslim country and we have seen very little problem there. India has the largest Muslim population, larger than the entire Arab population, and we have seen little problem there. Malaysia is also no problem. India, Indonesia, and Malaysia constitute more than half of all muslims.

The Turks also present no problems.

The problem populations are the Arabs and Pakistanis. I do not include the Iranians because they are quickly losing patience with an Islamic government and those under thirty are pro-USA.

Even within the Arab and Pakistani populations there are divisions. I’d estimate that about half the Saudis want nothing to do with any kind of jihad. They would much rather go to Disneyworld and drive a new Lexus.

We have enemies, and we should destroy them before they do the same to us. But there is no need to go looking for enemies where there are none.
Whoa india has a major moslem problem becuase its backed by the pakistanis with kashmir. Indonesia the same with the bali bombings. The Turks just elected for the first time in modern history a “islamic party”. There are serious problems outside of the “arab” world.
Whoa india has a major moslem problem becuase its backed by the pakistanis with kashmir. Indonesia the same with the bali bombings. The Turks just elected for the first time in modern history a “islamic party”. There are serious problems outside of the “arab” world.
India is not backed by the Pakistanis. It opposes the Pakistanis over Kashmir. Indian Muslims are not causing a problem.

There was a Bali bombing, but the population is not a problem.

The election of an Islamic party is very different from an Islamist party. There have been no problems from Turkey.
Are there any Muslims on this site? What do you really think of us(Christans)? Are we someone to be conqured and converted? What do you think of al-Qaida or Osama bin Laden or for that matter Sadam Hussain and the Iraq war. I don’t know any Muslims and really want to know your true feelings. :confused:
P.S. Do you feel welcome on this site? :confused: :confused:
I had a dialogue over a year ago with a weak Christian who married a Muslim and converted…now lives in Saudi Arabia. She was Canadian.

Anyway, she told me this: They look at Christian/Catholics as true believers and hope/pray for our conversion as they {Muslims} are only 1 step away. They believe that Mohammed was the last prophet and that Jesus Christ was not God’s son, but only a prophet from the line of Abraham, Moses, Elijah…etc.

She told me that their religion is a peaceful one, and preaches against violence. She also told me that the Qua’ran is mathematically impossible for anyone to compose. There’s something about the number of words, verses, etc, and that the Archangel Michael had quoted the entire thing to Mohammed.

Of course, we know from the Qua’ran itself that it is not only a religion but a political system. It suppresses other beliefs. It gives Jews and Christians “permission” to practice but if we deny the Islamic faith, we must be put to death. To them, there is no life outside of Mohammed and we are wrong, wrong, wrong.

I once asked a priest visiting from the Middle East how to respond to this woman…and he asked me if I though Mohammed stodd up to Jesus. I told him that of course he does not…but unfortunately, that does not help me have an intelligent apologetical discussion with a Muslim woman.

I’m sorry I don’t remember more and I can’t find my posts to her or from her. If I remember more, I’ll post it here.

Incidentally, in college I did a paper on Fundamentalism and Islamic Terrorism…I only wish I knew then what I know now. I’d discussed various goups and their threats against the US and Western civilization. Had I been able to predict what would have happend I would have studied the information much more deeply!

I am an Arab Christian. Yes, we do exist as minorities in certain Arab countries. I know a bit about how christians are perceived both socially and religiously because I grew up in the Middle East and, although I attended a catholic school there, the education system required us to study the Quran.

Muslims consider Jesus a prophet. They believe he was conceived out of wedlock. Mariam (Mary) went into the wilderness to give birth under a palm tree. Because she was alone, God sent her angels to assist in the delivery. They also believe Jesus performed many miracles and that, at the moment he was born, he spoke to Mary to comfort her.

Muslims also believe in Adam, Noah and Abraham. The Arabs and Jews trace their semetic ancestry to Abraham, with his son, Ishmael, being the father of the Arabs, and Issac the father of the Jews. I personally found the Quran and the Old Testament to be very similar in their theology and the manner in which they control the secular way of life (i.e., gender relationships, social conduct, inheritance, warfare, etc.). Those who ever lived in the Middle East will find that the Semetic Jews and the Arabs are not that different – they follow more or less the same social traditions and customs. Before the UN created the state of Israel, Palestinians and Semetic Jews lived peacefully together in Palestine, the jews being the minority.

Lance, you ask about what Muslims think about christians. The Quran teaches them tolerance of both jews and christians. My family and I never had a problem practicing our faith there.
Muslims have no qualms about judiasm or christianity or the people who profess those faiths. If you go back a couple of years and research foreign newspapers, you will see how warmly and wonderfully the muslims welcomed and respected the Pope when he visited Jordan.

The question, rather, should be what Arabs think about the US foreign policy that has unjustly meddle with their soverignty as indigent peoples since the late 1940s. This is a political issue in which Islam is central because, and not unlike the teachings of Judiasm and all its warfare in the Old Testament, a Muslim should not tolerate occupying forces on his land and must fight to death (jihad).

It is difficult to like or respect the US foreign policy when it supports Israel without reservation with billions of dollars and military equipment every year and allows Israel to use that to continue to occupy and brutalize Palestinians, and when the US provided Israel with the necessay military equipment to invade and occupy south Lebanon. Why do Palestinians resort to throwing stones or committing suicide with home-made bombs when the Israeli government has the lastest technological warfare at its disposal? Why are Palestinians considered terrorists when Israel deprived an entire generation of Palestinians from basic schooling, any meaningful labor, and deprived them of their farmlands and homes. The wall that Israel recently built, similar to the Berlin Wall, literally barred Palestinians from accessing their farmland which was just across the street from their homes. Israel does not allow new construction or additions to Palestinian homes. Because of acute housing shortages that force extended families to live together, many have made additions to their homes without the inattainable permits. It is common practice Israel will use one of its American-made tanks to bulldoze the house to the ground as the families watch. And, they are then accused of being terrorists when they start to fight back.

I hear repeatedly that the US does so because Israel is its only friend in the area. Israel is its only friend because the US foreign policy chose it to be that way. It alienated the remaining 22 or 23 Arab countries who were otherwise interested in becoming allies, especially during the era of communism and the Cold War.

The wrongs that have been committed against the Palestinians with the blessing of the US for over 60 years have left the entire Arab world bitter, helpless and frustrated. Arabs simply hate the US foreign policy for what it has done to them. The backlash has now begun. This is not a Muslim/Christian issue, it’s political. And, because the muslim faith includes secular politics, Muslims are now making their presence felt when the world was silent to their plight for so long.

I emphasize that the Arabs hate the US foreign policy. Muslims believe that if Americans really understood what their government’s foreign policy was actually doing to others, they would force their government to end it immediately.

I hope the above agave you some insight. I had no intention of making this forum a political one, but our Catholic faith requires us to pursue social justice and the Vatican has taken stances against Israel for its atrocities against the Palestinians and the Iraq War.
Peace in the ME will not occur until…
  1. The Palestinian government takes a proactive approach against terrorism. The terrorist organizations have already gone on the record saying that even if the settlements are removed…they will not be content until all the ‘Jews’ have been pushed into the ocean.
  2. The Palestinian government will not combat terrorism until Yasser Arafat is removed from power. Arafat has gone through more Prime Ministers than JLO has gone through husbands. Why? Because Arafat will not relinquish any of his decision making power over to the newly created Prime Minister position.
  3. The Israeli government needs to remove the Jewish settlements in the disputed territories.
  4. Israel and Palestine need to coexist…two independent… sovereign countries.
Do I believe there will ever be peace in the ME? No.

P.S. I will never take the Nobel Peace Prize seriously again…after Yasser Arafat won in 1994.
As far as what Muslims think of Christians…a Muslim acquaintance told me within confidence that Christians are regarded as infidels. The pr on television…is just that…the political correctness, etc. You also don’t see many Muslim officials…religious leaders, etc…speaking out against the recent outrageous acts of brutality, etc. There is a reason.

I’ve studied Islam…The Qu’ran (From Jesus being a prophet and not being crucified…someone else was crucified in his place, etc.) to the principle of Nasikh. My studies supported the claims of the acquaintance. Are all Muslims anti-Christian? No, but a significant number of them are…and violence and force is accepted by many…this is when jihad comes into play.
Many of the Saints predict another spiritual war…in the end days…Christians vs. Muslims. A lot of their predictions have been coming true lately. Who knows.
The problem here is that they sit back and say America is “the great Satan”. We are beginning to think that Islam is Satanic. All the while Satan himself sits back overjoyed at the hate brewing on both sides. For this reason we can’t hate them. But some days I do hate them, I want to hate them. That is sinful for me to do. If we want to be on the side of Jesus we can’t hate them no matter how hard it is, we have to ask Jesus to help us not hate and he asks even more of us He asks us to love. If we don’t do it, it will lead to our destruction in one way or the other. God help us all!
My first roommate in college was a Muslim from Lebanon. In fact, he spoke very little English (part of the program he was in was to learn English)

I indendifed myself as a Catholic by showing him a picture of Pope John Paul.

I must say, he faced beamed. He had a lot of respect of John Paul and called him ‘great man’.

The Lebanese, unlike most Muslims, do have a lot of experience with Catholics, especially the Maronite Catholics and the two do get along pretty well.
I’m not sure what muslims think. I was in confession this weekend and told my priest that I was angry about the man who was beheaded by the muslim terrorists.

He told me that happened all too often, and that it’s part of their culture. And, most importantly, he said that we should call it what we’re doing now what it really is…a war against Islam.

I almost couldn’t control my smile because it was the first time I heard the truth about this “war” coming from anyone besides a person who had nothing to lose.

I’m sure not all muslims are terrorists…but most terrorists are muslims. That’s the sad part. :hmmm:

And I have a question: why is it that muslims can live anywhere in the world they want to, but Christians and Jews are not allowed to set foot on the land ruled by a muslim majority?

I hope the above agave you some insight. I had no intention of making this forum a political one, but our Catholic faith requires us to pursue social justice and the Vatican has taken stances against Israel for its atrocities against the Palestinians and the Iraq War.
If I were a gambling man I would bet that you are a Palastinian Christian. My son-in-law is a Lebanise Christian, Marionite, and he has a quite different view of Muslims than you do. Social justice requires that the Syrians get out of Lebanon, the Muslims stop slaughtering Christians and that they give all non muslim people the same rights they have. In my opinion before we Christians go demanding social justice from the Jews for the Muslims we should demand it from the Muslims for our Christian brothers. The Palastinians should realize that the Jews fought a war to retake land that they thought was theirs and they won, the PLO lost and is never, ever going to get the land back. They should take the land the Jews are offering, which by the way belonged to other Arab states before the war, and make a home for them selves. If they and you don’t like Jews, don’t kill them, just make a better life for yourself and ignore them. As you can see by my post and all the others regarding my original question there are lots of opinions and opinions are like faces, everyonehas one and no two are alike. :confused:
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