I recently listened to a group of seminarians on a Catholic Talk Radio program discussing the “why” of the existence of Hell. The answer made me almost laugh. Is this truly what they’re teaching our future priests now? The discussion went like this:
God created Hell, with its eternal suffering and horrible punishments, because he loves us so much. He wants us to be with him forever. To encourage us to follow the straight and narrow path to him, and to assure we will be with him for eternity, he has made the alternate so bad that we will have an easier time avoiding it to be with him. This is a concept only a deranged mind could dream up.
To me this reasoning is equivalent to saying Hitler loved the Jews so much that he created the concentration camps and gas ovens to encourage them to give up their ways and convert to Christianity or maybe emigrate to a place where they would enjoy peace and bliss forever.
God created Hell, with its eternal suffering and horrible punishments, because he loves us so much. He wants us to be with him forever. To encourage us to follow the straight and narrow path to him, and to assure we will be with him for eternity, he has made the alternate so bad that we will have an easier time avoiding it to be with him. This is a concept only a deranged mind could dream up.
To me this reasoning is equivalent to saying Hitler loved the Jews so much that he created the concentration camps and gas ovens to encourage them to give up their ways and convert to Christianity or maybe emigrate to a place where they would enjoy peace and bliss forever.