Gods peace be with you Theophilus,
I asked a question to a Protestant who ‘Boasted’ and ‘claimed’ he could show any Biblical error incorrect? More clearly put he ‘claimed’ there are ‘NO’ errors in the Bible. Well, at least the KJV. He appeared to be very knowledgeable and a very good man and Christian but when I asked him about Bibles themselves being in error rather then just verses he refused to talk to me. He claimed this was a Catholic-Protestant question and thus undeserving of an answer. He also runs his own web site dedicated to the inerrancy of the King James Version (KJV) ‘alone’ and has NO Catholic Bibles listed or mentioned I saw. He also claims on his web site as I recall to have over 60,000 pages listed! Non I found with Catholic Bible information and I found no search feature either. This would mean either all Catholic Bibles inerrant or it is in fact a Catholic-Protestant issue as proved by his own web site and thus a valid question.
I asked questions like why is the King James Version perfect and not the AKJV, JST, NIV, DR, NAB, LV, etc… I am still awaiting answers to these insightful questions.
So what I would like to know from all of you is this, why is the KJV the only inerrant Bible or does it have errors?
Why do many Protestant refuse to acknowledge the Catholic Bibles like the Vulgate, NAB, St. Jerome, DR, etc. as not even worthy of mention? Why are Catholic Bibles so evil and despicable that they don’t even rate reviews if any and if they do they are often only negative? Who made unknown Protestant translators/publishers perfect and Catholic Scholars error prone?
What about the first 400 years of Christian history when we had NO Bible? Who wrote the first Bible? King James? A Catholic? Who canonized it and declared it inspired? Can a Bible have errors and still be ‘inspired?’
I started another link for actual errors in the KJV so post those there.
I am really concerned with the philosophy of the “KJV onlyism” movement here and the actual problems with Catholic Bibles and why many Protestants refuse to accept a Catholic Bible.
Thank you for your help and Gods peace be with you,
The truth is out there!
Eph 2:8-9 “8 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not from you; it is the gift of God; 9 it is not from works, so no one may boast.”
(Don’t forget verse 10 for context!)
I asked a question to a Protestant who ‘Boasted’ and ‘claimed’ he could show any Biblical error incorrect? More clearly put he ‘claimed’ there are ‘NO’ errors in the Bible. Well, at least the KJV. He appeared to be very knowledgeable and a very good man and Christian but when I asked him about Bibles themselves being in error rather then just verses he refused to talk to me. He claimed this was a Catholic-Protestant question and thus undeserving of an answer. He also runs his own web site dedicated to the inerrancy of the King James Version (KJV) ‘alone’ and has NO Catholic Bibles listed or mentioned I saw. He also claims on his web site as I recall to have over 60,000 pages listed! Non I found with Catholic Bible information and I found no search feature either. This would mean either all Catholic Bibles inerrant or it is in fact a Catholic-Protestant issue as proved by his own web site and thus a valid question.
I asked questions like why is the King James Version perfect and not the AKJV, JST, NIV, DR, NAB, LV, etc… I am still awaiting answers to these insightful questions.
So what I would like to know from all of you is this, why is the KJV the only inerrant Bible or does it have errors?
Why do many Protestant refuse to acknowledge the Catholic Bibles like the Vulgate, NAB, St. Jerome, DR, etc. as not even worthy of mention? Why are Catholic Bibles so evil and despicable that they don’t even rate reviews if any and if they do they are often only negative? Who made unknown Protestant translators/publishers perfect and Catholic Scholars error prone?
What about the first 400 years of Christian history when we had NO Bible? Who wrote the first Bible? King James? A Catholic? Who canonized it and declared it inspired? Can a Bible have errors and still be ‘inspired?’
I started another link for actual errors in the KJV so post those there.
I am really concerned with the philosophy of the “KJV onlyism” movement here and the actual problems with Catholic Bibles and why many Protestants refuse to accept a Catholic Bible.
Thank you for your help and Gods peace be with you,
The truth is out there!
Eph 2:8-9 “8 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not from you; it is the gift of God; 9 it is not from works, so no one may boast.”
(Don’t forget verse 10 for context!)