Hananiah said:
Hananiah said:
First, let me point out that vatican II’s OFFICIAL Sixteen Documents are great. Howeevr, ONLY if followed at the foot of the letter, not every priest’s personal interpretation and personal whims. That being said, it was not, nor was it ever to be meant to be a DOGMATIC!!! COUNCIL, in the fashion of Trent(Trent too is quolted in Vatican II and the NEW Catechism), but rather was pastoral. NOW, the POPE: A Catholic is bound to obey what the Pope says ONLY if he says it EX-Cathedra(from the Chair of the Pope of infallibility) This Pope has not pronounced ONE single thing as dogmatic YET. also, his encyclicals, are to be listened to and obeyed. However, if the Pope is talking about pasta, and that he loves it, must then ALL catholics love pasta too because the Pope says its good?Those who reject Vatican II and the Pope John Paul II cannot rightly be called “Traditionalists”. DONATISTS is a more fitting label.Donatism is an ancient heresy that states that the Sacraments performed by a sinfull or immoral cleric are invalid. These new Donatists accuse the Council and the Popes of serious sins against the Faith and draw the same conclusion as their ancient predecessors, Its all become invalid. I have read it more than once on one of their websites as I am sure you guys have. “The Novus Ordo is invalid” they say.
DONATISM. An Ancient heresy has reared its ugly head and Seeks to divide the Church.
That is what you will find describes the majority of folks here who refer to themselves as traditionalists (moi)What I have run into is this: the people that refer to themsevles as traditionalists do follow the teachings of the Church and are faithful to the Pope.