Because this is my first year as a card carrying Catholic, I only know a couple of Priests. One is an older man and he is very holy in his ways. He has never had a real world job that I know of and although I look up to him for spiritual leadership, his homilies seldom speak to me. The other priest I know is a child priest. He is only 32 years old, but he is wise beyond his years. His theology seems sound, his faith appears unshakable and he as a person is very lovable. The younger Priest has very good homilies, the type that seems to be speaking to me directly. I equate this to the 10 years he spent doing a worldly job before deciding to become a Priest. This seemed to give him a better understanding of what it is like having to pay the rent and make ends meet while facing constant lay offs and corporate down sizing. Also, these guys both belong to an order, which many in our parish think makes a big difference over diocesan types. Because I have so little experience, I wouldn’t know the difference. Unfortunately, Priests that belong to an order usually have to move every few years. So when you get one you really like, he’ll be leaving in a short while.