St Vincent de Paul society, at least one parish in each town has one here. there is a great need. there is a rumor going around that some of this clothing is sent to Mexico but this is not true, Mexico will no longer allow used clothing to be brought over the border and the checkpoints are enforcing this very strictly.
Please donate only wearable, clean mended clothing, items your family would wear except that they don’t fit anyone. When you give to the poor you are giving to Christ, and they can’t use your rags. Most centers that accept used clothing do not have resources to launder or dry clean.
Also, do not drop clothing in bags or boxes outside the center when it is closed. IN most states health laws do not allow such clothing to be given out, and it adds to the agencies overhead to dispose of such things in the waste stream. Call first and find out when donations are accepted, or if they have pick-up trucks. Also check first on household items and electronics, many agencies cannot store such things unless they have a thrift store.
Purple Heart and Salvation Army usually pick up.