Who Needs Tokyo Rose When We Have AP?

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From LGF:

2Slick says there’s something really rotten at the Associated Press:
Never before, in all my years of reading the news, have I seen such obvious terrorist propaganda passed off as legitimate “news.” This article was the first one on Yahoo’s list of “Top News Stories.” I opened it this morning, and I could not believe my own eyes. I don’t want to beat around the bush, so here goes:

There was little apparent sympathy for the dead Americans on Mosul’s deserted streets, where hundreds of U.S. troops, backed up by armored vehicles and helicopters, blocked bridges and cordoned off Sunni Muslim areas of Iraq’s third-largest city.

The hard-hitting reporter then goes on to prove this by providing three quotes from the locals:
  1. “I wish that 2,000 U.S. soldiers were killed,” declared Jamal Mahmoud, a trade union official.
  2. Sadiq Mohammed, a grocer, expressed concern that the U.S. military would use the attack as a pretext for a major crackdown in the city. “Yesterday’s attack on the American base will for sure lead to an escalation in U.S. military activities in Mosul,” he said.
  3. Izdihar Kamel, a civil servant, praised those who had carried out Tuesday’s attack. “It was a heroic operation,” Kamel said. “This is jihad and he who carried out this attack is a hero.”
This is what the AP wants you to know about how the locals feel about this suicide murder-which also claimed the lives of 3 Iraqis. One guy wishes thousands had died, one guy is an armchair General, and one guy thinks the terrorist was a “hero.” Not a single quote from anyone else in Mosul. Not one. Must be that everyone in Mosul was either happy about it, disappointed that it didn’t kill more people, or just simply didn’t care. Un. Be. Lievable.

I am here to tell you that if I were to go into downtown Mosul, the University, or just about anywhere else in the city- the overwhelming majority of Iraqis would be expressing their heartfelt condolences. I know this for a fact, because it’s exactly what happened during the days following our incident with the 2 Black Hawks. The people felt absolutely terrible about what happened, and many of them were tearful when expressing their sorrow. I am going to make an accusation here, and I need you to know that this accusation is not based on an assumption- this is something I know for a fact:

This AP reporter deliberately sought out pro-terrorist/anti-American Iraqis to quote for this article.

2Slick goes on to say that AP changed the article to hide their blatant propagandizing (something I’ve seen them do previously when they realize one of their pieces has gone too far), but a little digging reveals that the original is still very much present at Yahoo News: U.S. Sweeps Through Mosul After Attack. The byline: Slobodan Lekic.

There was little apparent sympathy for the dead Americans on Mosul’s empty streets. “I wish that 2,000 U.S. soldiers were killed,” declared Jamal Mahmoud, a trade union official. …

Sadiq Mohammed, a grocer, expressed concern that the U.S. military would use the attack as a pretext to launch a major crackdown in the city.

“Yesterday’s attack on the American base will for sure lead to an escalation in U.S. military activities in Mosul,” he said.

Izdihar Kamel, a civil servant, praised those who had carried Tuesday’s attack saying, “it was a heroic operation. This is Jihad and he who carried out this attack is a hero.”
Wretchard at Belmont Club takes another look at the photo that just happened to be snapped exactly when the terrorists killed those three Iraqi election workers. Thirty armed terrorists all around and the photographer stands up and snaps a photo?

Hat Tip Iraqi Bloggers Central
gilliam said:
Wretchard at Belmont Club takes another look at the photo that just happened to be snapped exactly when the terrorists killed those three Iraqi election workers. Thirty armed terrorists all around and the photographer stands up and snaps a photo?

Hat Tip Iraqi Bloggers Central

I believe that Reuters and this news wire were cited as the originating sources for using “insurgents” rather than terrorists in their stylebooks - they don’t want to offend anyone y’know.
I was having a few beers the other night with a friend of mine just back from Iraq. He is a senior weapons Sergeant on his detachment. He spent time in both Afghanistan and Iraq as well as other areas of interest. He had one question for those of us at the table:(NOTE: words in italics are substitutions for more colorful language, use your imagination)

“Where’s this war going on that we’re getting our *butts *kicked? I come home and see this stuff on television and it doesn’t resemble the Iraq I left 36 hours ago. I’m almost tempted to go back and slap our embed around to make sure he’s not involved in feeding you all this stuff. Don’t believe what you’re seeing, it’s only a small part of the story.”

AP = Altering Perceptions
ACLU = Anti-Christ Legions of the Underworld
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