:nope: First, and with all due respect: your question seems like a very subjective, unscriptural one which if true would go against the exact teachings of Jesus CHRIST which we receive through His Church.
Secondly, it is Church teaching that the Body Of Christ in the Eucharist is not to be freely given to everyone(as if it were the cake at a party), and we even see this when the Church requires Children to do their Fist Communion First before they actually receive Jesus christ for the first time. Also, every catholic must first examine his or her conscience before they approach the Altar of the Lord(I cannot stand when many say the “table of the Lord”, forgetting the sacrificial aspect of the mass, and why altars in the Old Testament was for, and the Sacrife of Melchizedek, and Christ on Mount Calvary. to see if they have formed their conscience to what the church teaches is a sin, not what they believe is or is not a sin, then to see if they are in mortal sin. The Catholic Church, hence Christ Himself teaches that a person for example who supports abortion, or who has performed one is automatically excommunicated(New Code of Canon Law). Furthermore, a priest can refuse Communion (all these bishops need is courage which many of them lack) to any catholic who is in unrepented PUBLIC sin.
As per your argument that communion should be freely given to everyone (I guess to just make them happy in your opinion?) BECAUSE Jesus Christ at the Last Supper gave it to His Apostles, well, many forget to remember that the apostles YES were sinners as we all are, but were not in PUBLIC SIN, and more importantly the Apostles(many people do not know or do not WANT to know) were at that point already Ordained Priests
No one could say they DESERVE to receive Christ, who are we but poor selfish sinners, and it is ONLY because of God’s Mercy, that we are ALLOWED by Him to Receive His Body and Blood in the Eucharist, only if we are first prepared. I am sure that none of us want to sin of Sacrilege now would we? Hence, we must be free of PUBLIC Mortal sin BEFORE approaching Christ in the Eucharist.