Why did God create sex if he knew it could be easily corrupted?

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Why did God create sex if he knew how easily it could be twisted and corrupted? For example, masturbation or lust or homosexual activity. Why didn’t God just make us creatures who could produce asexually?
Why did God create sex if he knew how easily it could be twisted and corrupted? For example, masturbation or lust or homosexual activity. Why didn’t God just make us creatures who could produce asexually?
You’re probably going to have to ask God directly for that one.
Why did God create sex if he knew how easily it could be twisted and corrupted? For example, masturbation or lust or homosexual activity. Why didn’t God just make us creatures who could produce asexually?
It’s not just sex. People misuse all kinds of things.
Why did God create sex if he knew how easily it could be twisted and corrupted? For example, masturbation or lust or homosexual activity. Why didn’t God just make us creatures who could produce asexually?
The reason is because God creates good things because they are good, not because they can’t be corrupted into evil.

You’ll notice that all of the things in the world which are the most good or the most holy are the same things that Satan has constantly corrupted into something utterly violating their purpose. Idolatry is the corrupted form of the most holy worship of God. Deception is the corrupted opposite of integrity. Avarice and hoarding are the corrupted opposites of prudence. Masturbation, fornication, and homosexuality are corrupted opposites of the beautiful gift of sexuality.

Here’s a good rule of thumb: The more distorted, disgusting, and sinful a corruption of God’s creation is, the more holy, beautiful, and wonderful the creation of God is.
Anything can be corrupted. You might as well ask why God created anything at all. 🤷
“Did God make sex too strong? The very question is irreverent, yet since it has been asked we should answer. Definitely no. The purpose of sex is primarily to keep the race going. During the period of courtship, the couple often are infatuated over each other. But later on this fades, and they may find it hard to keep a marriage going. Sex, used according to our Father’s plans, is a great means of keeping a marriage going. The fact of so many marriage failures shows it is not at all too strong. Further, the power contained in it can be, and in many cases is, sublimated, its energy is used to make possible higher purposes. So Our Father’s plan is most wise.”
  • Fr. William G. Most
Dr Scott Hahn said it best… Catholics are not obsessed with sex because it’s bad, we obsess over it because it is sacred!

There is a reason it’s called making love.

The problem we have today isn’t that we commit sexual sin… The problem is that too many in society don’t believe sexual sins are sinful in the first place.
God created human beings sexual because he made us in his image, to participate in his unity and creativity. He wills us to love like he does.

Who is God?
God is a communion of love. God is three persons in one being. God is a fertile unity of persons. All of existence explodes out of his unitive and creative love.
Since God is not a creature, he does not have sexuality, but in order for us as creatures to participate in his image, to “pro-create”, he gifts us with sexuality.

It can all be summed up in this word of God: “God saw that it was good”.
What is good? That he created us, that we exist, and continue to exist by loving and procreating.
It is good that we exist. Sexuality is ordered to this good.

Our participation in human existence is our answer to God’s “I Am Who Am”. God is pure being, we can also say “I Am…because of you God”.

To answer your question directly, God created us sexual because he loves us.
We are free to abuse this gift, because he loves us. No freedom, no love. No love, no freedom.
There is no second guessing in God. God does not decline to love because we chose to be stupid and sinful. He simply loves without condition.

We are also free to use this gift to participate in the way God designed us, for the good.

Your question is applicable to many different issues.
Why does God allow any person to be born when there is a risk of illness, suffering, rejection, hell?
Why does God send his son knowing he will be crucified?

It’s the mystery of complete and unconditional love in relation to sin.
It’s also the mystery of eternity. It’s futile to ask what God knew and when he knew it, and why he acted in reaction to this…
because God is outside of time and reacts to nothing. He simply is.
Why did God create sex if he knew how easily it could be twisted and corrupted? For example, masturbation or lust or homosexual activity. Why didn’t God just make us creatures who could produce asexually?
Sex has always been around, how else would we have came about. It is a pleasurable act that helps us feel good.
Sex was never corrupted at the very beginning. But them there was original sin. Human nature was corrupted, so that men’s appetites could too easily take control over them, and not just sex. It is man’s responsibility not God’s.
This is one great argument for original sin. God would not create a human nature so easily corrupted.
Same answer as why did God create Adam and Eve even knowing they would fall requiring the sacrifice of his only begotten Son to redeem them.
Why did God create sex if he knew how easily it could be twisted and corrupted? For example, masturbation or lust or homosexual activity. Why didn’t God just make us creatures who could produce asexually?
Why didn’t he just make us wooden puppets that He could just manipulate on strings or just like the other animals who survive only on instinct. Sex is a powerful drive throughout the entire living world. All one has to do is watch nature shows to see how powerful this drive it. Human beings, unlike all the other animals, have been given free will. We have learned how to turn that powerful drive for purposes far beyond its true purpose.
It’s not just sex. People misuse all kinds of things.
but if you notice, all the sinful things, they tend to be very pleasurable and tempting, sort of like teaching a dog from birth that eating steak is wrong, but hold a freshly cooked one in front of him each and every day of his life.

Sex did not have to be pleasurable, many animal species, their reproduction process is anything but. I think our sex was ‘engineered’ this way on purpose, if it was not enjoyable, not many people would drawn to the sin in the first place.
but if you notice, all the sinful things, they tend to be very pleasurable and tempting, sort of like teaching a dog from birth that eating steak is wrong, but hold a freshly cooked one in front of him each and every day of his life.

Sex did not have to be pleasurable, many animal species, their reproduction process is anything but. I think our sex was ‘engineered’ this way on purpose, if it was not enjoyable, not many people would drawn to the sin in the first place.
That still doesn’t set sex apart - eating, drinking, sleeping, and recreation are all pleasurable too, but definitely can be misused.

It’s not wrong to eat steak. It’s wrong to obsess about steak, and to forget about your vegetables. But steak is just fine and good.

I think God gave us the ability to feel good and find pleasure in things because He loves us, not because He desires to trip us up.
Because martial sex is incredibly beautiful and holy…it is the very definition of self-sacrificing love.

Especially when a new child is created from that bond.

Something so beautiful and so holy is going to be attacked by the devil in such a way that it can be viewed as the biggest flaw within the human mind and soul.

It’s such a shame. Intimacy is one of the best and most special aspects of a marriage. It’s what separates marriage from every other relationship.

My children are the most beautiful creatures I’ve every laid eyes on and they would never have been created if my husband and I never physically expressed our love for each other.

Loving my husband makes me love my children even more because of where they came from and how they came about.
Why did God create humans if he knew they could be easily corrupted? It isn’t our sexual faculties that become corrupted, it is us. We are made for love. Our sexual faculties are often misused because the pleasure derived from them is somewhat otherworldly. But this pleasure is an arrow, a sign pointing to a greater good. Like how the pleasure of eating food is only an incentive to nourish our bodies, so the pleasure of sex is only an incentive to experience the divinely-instituted gift of life–a new immortal soul that will outlast all the galaxies.

You may still be wondering why God created such an easily corruptible creature. Well, in order to choose the good there must always be the choice of the evil. So God, who desired us to have free will so we might choose him (choose love), gave us two options–be a saint or don’t be a saint. Every choice we make feeds into one of these two pursuits. How we look at another person, how we judge a neighbor, how we choose to treat our bodies, all of these things are either in service to God or in service to ourselves.
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