Why did God create sex if he knew how easily it could be twisted and corrupted? For example, masturbation or lust or homosexual activity. Why didn’t God just make us creatures who could produce asexually?
You’re probably going to have to ask God directly for that one.Why did God create sex if he knew how easily it could be twisted and corrupted? For example, masturbation or lust or homosexual activity. Why didn’t God just make us creatures who could produce asexually?
You’re probably going to have to ask God directly for that one.
It’s not just sex. People misuse all kinds of things.Why did God create sex if he knew how easily it could be twisted and corrupted? For example, masturbation or lust or homosexual activity. Why didn’t God just make us creatures who could produce asexually?
The reason is because God creates good things because they are good, not because they can’t be corrupted into evil.Why did God create sex if he knew how easily it could be twisted and corrupted? For example, masturbation or lust or homosexual activity. Why didn’t God just make us creatures who could produce asexually?
Sex has always been around, how else would we have came about. It is a pleasurable act that helps us feel good.Why did God create sex if he knew how easily it could be twisted and corrupted? For example, masturbation or lust or homosexual activity. Why didn’t God just make us creatures who could produce asexually?
Why didn’t he just make us wooden puppets that He could just manipulate on strings or just like the other animals who survive only on instinct. Sex is a powerful drive throughout the entire living world. All one has to do is watch nature shows to see how powerful this drive it. Human beings, unlike all the other animals, have been given free will. We have learned how to turn that powerful drive for purposes far beyond its true purpose.Why did God create sex if he knew how easily it could be twisted and corrupted? For example, masturbation or lust or homosexual activity. Why didn’t God just make us creatures who could produce asexually?
but if you notice, all the sinful things, they tend to be very pleasurable and tempting, sort of like teaching a dog from birth that eating steak is wrong, but hold a freshly cooked one in front of him each and every day of his life.It’s not just sex. People misuse all kinds of things.
That still doesn’t set sex apart - eating, drinking, sleeping, and recreation are all pleasurable too, but definitely can be misused.but if you notice, all the sinful things, they tend to be very pleasurable and tempting, sort of like teaching a dog from birth that eating steak is wrong, but hold a freshly cooked one in front of him each and every day of his life.
Sex did not have to be pleasurable, many animal species, their reproduction process is anything but. I think our sex was ‘engineered’ this way on purpose, if it was not enjoyable, not many people would drawn to the sin in the first place.