Please help me to understand this, as my perception of the situtation is driving me away from accepting Church teachings (i.e, the only time I really think ‘Why not let homosexuals marry in a civil setting?’ is when I get angry at their - perhaps misinterpreted I admit - mistreatment by the Church).
The Catholic teaching is ‘hate the sin, love the sinner’, correct? That it is the homosexual act that is sinful, and not the homosexual, and that a homosexual living a chaste, celibate life is every bit as much a beloved child of God as the chaste, celibate heterosexual. Perhaps even more blessed in ways, since perpetual chastity is such a difficult cross to bear if it is not self-imposed (heterosexuals can choose what feels right for them - chastity or marriage; homosexuals must choose chastity; mere kissing and other light “sexual” companionship that is non-sinful for the heterosexual and forbidden for the homosexual, etc).
So, if a chaste, celibate homosexual man is truly called by the Holy Spirit to enter the priesthood, is doing it because he wants to be a priest and serve God, and not as some form of escape, and he takes his vows seriously, what is the problem? How is his situation different from that of a chaste, celibate heterosexual man who is truly called by the Holy Spirit to enter the priesthood, is doing it for the right reasons, and takes his vows seriously?
Since the sex abuse scandal was made public, I have heard over and over and over and over again about how homosexuals are the problem, and if only homosexuals weren’t in the priesthood everything would be sunshine and roses. This doesn’t seem fair or honest to me. I find the twisting and desperate use of semantics to call the molestation of a 12 or 13 or 14 year old boy “homosexual behavior” revolting. The boy is underage, it is morally pedophila. Heterosexual men who are attracted to and molesting/raping 12 and 13 and 14 year old girls don’t have their behavior described as “heterosexual”. It is perversion, and pedophila.
Homosexuals are attracted to adults of the same sex. Hetrosexuals are attracted to adults of the opposite sex. Pedophiles are attracted to children - some to very young children, some to children just past puberty, some to girls, some to boys, some to both. It’s the innocence and the youth they care about.
I’ve heard that 80% of the cases of sex abuse in the Church occured between priests and boys just past puberty. Why is this a reason to bar all homosexuals from the priesthood? If you claim that homosexuals are inherently inferior to heterosexuals, that they are all automatically more prone to sin/going to sin no matter what…that seems to fly in the face of everything Catholicism has taught us. Why not screen for priests who are attracted to the underage - “homosexual” and “heterosexual”? They have the means. Why not take the time to weed out all those that plan on abusing children or sleeping with grown men and women and who show signs of not taking their vows of celibacy seriously, no matter what their attractions?
If priests that fornicate with grown men are thrown out (as they should be) so should priests who fornicate with grown women. If priests who molest/rape little boys and teenage boys are routed out and severely punished (as they should be) then the priests who molest/rape little girls and teenage girls should receive the exact same punishment and exposure.
The Catholic teaching is ‘hate the sin, love the sinner’, correct? That it is the homosexual act that is sinful, and not the homosexual, and that a homosexual living a chaste, celibate life is every bit as much a beloved child of God as the chaste, celibate heterosexual. Perhaps even more blessed in ways, since perpetual chastity is such a difficult cross to bear if it is not self-imposed (heterosexuals can choose what feels right for them - chastity or marriage; homosexuals must choose chastity; mere kissing and other light “sexual” companionship that is non-sinful for the heterosexual and forbidden for the homosexual, etc).
So, if a chaste, celibate homosexual man is truly called by the Holy Spirit to enter the priesthood, is doing it because he wants to be a priest and serve God, and not as some form of escape, and he takes his vows seriously, what is the problem? How is his situation different from that of a chaste, celibate heterosexual man who is truly called by the Holy Spirit to enter the priesthood, is doing it for the right reasons, and takes his vows seriously?
Since the sex abuse scandal was made public, I have heard over and over and over and over again about how homosexuals are the problem, and if only homosexuals weren’t in the priesthood everything would be sunshine and roses. This doesn’t seem fair or honest to me. I find the twisting and desperate use of semantics to call the molestation of a 12 or 13 or 14 year old boy “homosexual behavior” revolting. The boy is underage, it is morally pedophila. Heterosexual men who are attracted to and molesting/raping 12 and 13 and 14 year old girls don’t have their behavior described as “heterosexual”. It is perversion, and pedophila.
Homosexuals are attracted to adults of the same sex. Hetrosexuals are attracted to adults of the opposite sex. Pedophiles are attracted to children - some to very young children, some to children just past puberty, some to girls, some to boys, some to both. It’s the innocence and the youth they care about.
I’ve heard that 80% of the cases of sex abuse in the Church occured between priests and boys just past puberty. Why is this a reason to bar all homosexuals from the priesthood? If you claim that homosexuals are inherently inferior to heterosexuals, that they are all automatically more prone to sin/going to sin no matter what…that seems to fly in the face of everything Catholicism has taught us. Why not screen for priests who are attracted to the underage - “homosexual” and “heterosexual”? They have the means. Why not take the time to weed out all those that plan on abusing children or sleeping with grown men and women and who show signs of not taking their vows of celibacy seriously, no matter what their attractions?
If priests that fornicate with grown men are thrown out (as they should be) so should priests who fornicate with grown women. If priests who molest/rape little boys and teenage boys are routed out and severely punished (as they should be) then the priests who molest/rape little girls and teenage girls should receive the exact same punishment and exposure.