Winnie the Pooh Mass

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Evil as they are, homosexual priests and apostate theologians may not be the biggest problems facing the Catholic Church.

The more insidious tribulations of heterodoxy and the rejection of tradition and solemnity in the Mass have likely done as much damage.

Consider the latest innovations in the modern sacrifice of the Mass: Hand puppets and TV Land lingo.

**Our Parish

**Before reading about that in detail, know that traditionalist Catholics suffer in parishes, such as the one in our town, where the Faith is a mockery of what it was.

The church here built an abominable addition to accommodate growth. The old Church is a small, sturdy, stone edifice worthy of the Church Militant. The addition, to quote a quip I heard, looks little better than a Quaker Meeting House.

Beautiful statues and other Catholic art are absent. The stained glass is sterile and modern, devoid of sacred imagery. The new addition has one holy water receptacle, a baptismal font that resembles a small jacuzzi. Laughably, it was empty during Lent, after the fashion of moron clerics who think “sacrificing” something for Lent means sacrificing the sacramentals. You wonder if they sacrificed the Rosary as well.

Of course, the parish is hip. Altar girls seem to outnumber the altar boys, and often, particularly during summer, you see bare legs under vestments. Shorts and halter tops are proper attire at Mass for the modern Catholic.

This is the physical milieu in which Mass is held, and unsurprisingly, reverence and solemnity are virtually unknown. During the consecration of the Eucharist, for instance, some people defiantly refuse to kneel.

After Mass one day, the vessels of Holy Communion were carried down the main aisle in what appeared to be a repainted shoe-shine box. The music is detestable, often Protestant. One Sunday, some loony woman was shakin’, rattlin’ and rollin’ to a perfectly hideous recessional hymn more appropriate to a tent revival in backwater Alabama. Grabbing my sons, I fled the ecumenical attack in horror.

As for the priest, in the two years my family attended the church, we never heard a sermon on abortion, birth control, divorce, the apostles, the saints, confession, or anything important. The priest never offered a serious exegesis of the readings from Scripture. He rarely mentioned sin, and when he did, he fretted about people sinning against each other, not against God. Hell? Never heard of it. “Titanic,” however, that execrable cinematic vessel of cultural poison, was just great.Thus do we drive 30 miles to attend Mass in a parish with a real Church, real priests and real altar boys, but sometimes the drive is too much. We dread going to Mass here, but with a family of seven, sometimes we compromise.

We always regret it, and this weekend reminded us why. This church, by the way, has a new priest whom we expected to bring a new regime. He did. It’s worse.

At one Mass, a typically undisciplined altar girl, wearing Sponge Bob flip-flops, assisted the priest, who delivered a unique homily. Sermonizing during the usual ballet in front of the altar, his right hand gradually emerged from under his vestments. Out came Winnie The Pooh.

Hand-puppet Pooh observed that we are all God’s puppets, or some such nonsense, then the priest, morphing back to his real self, finished with a few lines that bordered on pantheism.

Stay tuned for next week’s sermon, he said, “same Bat time, same Bat channel.”

This, fellow Catholics, is the Church.
😦 you need to find a more orthordox parish. there is so much of this … and if more people understood the yes’ and no’ of mass they would be much better off.

do you have LITURGICAL dancers. Now that is something to run from … that is absolutely not approved!

God’s peace …
The church here built an abominable addition to accommodate growth. The old Church is a small, sturdy, stone edifice worthy of the Church Militant. The addition, to quote a quip I heard, looks little better than a Quaker Meeting House.

They certainly won’t last as long as the Churches built before Vatican II- At least it will be much easier for Amchurch to sell these “churches in the round” to upstart Protestant congregations.
You have entered a dimension not of time and space, but of thought and unreality.
A year ago, I had the "pleasure " of attending a wedding of a girl that was my wife’s relation. It was at a beautiful old methodist church on a small college campus. The processional proceeded to the tune “I will always love you”, The minister, a lady, proceeded with the the wedding vows, and I never hear any mention of God, only some things about the birds, and everlasting sunshine. “New age”? After it was all over, the happy couple headed back down the aisle to the tune of the old 1940’s dance tune, “in the mood” Even the minister was swinging down the aisle. I was almost in the state of shock, and I would have laughed out loud, if my wife hadn’t given me an elbow. Hopefully, this isn’t going to be the direction our church is headed. I will earnestly pray this doesn’t happen.
I know this doesn’t help, but thank you for helping me to appreciate the parish I am in.

The more I read these forums, the more thankful I am for our parish.
Abuses in our parish? if you could ever call it an abuse - Maybe once someone might have bowed their head when a profound bow was called for.

I’ll be praying for you and for your parish and ever grateful for the parish AND diocese I’m in.
At one Mass, a typically undisciplined altar girl, wearing Sponge Bob flip-flops, assisted the priest, who delivered a unique homily. Sermonizing during the usual ballet in front of the altar, his right hand gradually emerged from under his vestments. Out came Winnie The Pooh.
Didn’t you get the memo? The Sponge-Bob flip-flops are mandated for altar servers by the revised GIRM… their liturgical purpose is to remind us of the sponge soaked with bitter wine that was offered to Jesus during the Passion.

Winnie the Pooh of course loves honey, which draws our mind to the Prophet Ezekiel, echoed by St. John in Revelation, who ate the scroll that was sweet as honey on his tongue, and yet bitter in his stomach. This represents the bitterness of God’s Judgment against the Nations. It may also remind us of Samson, who ate the honey from the carcass of the Lion, and even gave some to his parents, in violation of the strict Mosaic Law. So really, your priest was preaching a tough sermon on God’s judgment and the importance of purity. You just didn’t notice it.
on another point…
The music is detestable, often Protestant. One Sunday, some loony woman was shakin’, rattlin’ and rollin’ to a perfectly hideous recessional hymn more appropriate to a tent revival in backwater Alabama.
This is a somewhat less than charitable characterization… are you saying that people in Alabama (the home of EWTN) are less sophisticated than the rest of the country? Or perhaps that rural southern folk are prone to silly displays?

Regarding music in general, it would be interesting to know what the ethnic background of your parish is. Music, and the appropriate response of the congregation to it can be culturally conditioned. And as you do point out, there are different cultures in different parts of the U.S. Even for me… the music in my parish in the northern suburbs of Chicago is different from that in African-American parishes on the south side of the city.

Is the music “Protestant” in its lyrics, or is it in a style that you associate with certain Protestant groups, e.g. Baptists?
This, fellow Catholics, is the Church.
This is the Church of John Kerry, Tom Daschle, Babs Mikulski, Joe Biden, Mario Cuomo, Jim McGreevey and Ted Kennedy–not the one true Catholic and Apostolic Church
I read this thread yesterday and amazingly, didn’t remember a certain experience until just now.

In my local area there is a church so different that it can’t possibly be considered Catholic anymore.

Anyway, I attended the “Mass” with a friend of mine who had heard of the church. This friend had mostly gay friends and had heard of the chruch through them.

The Mass was held in the gymnasium as the church building itself was too small. Instead of a homily, various parishioners got up and gave their testimonials and stories for about 30 minutes. ALL the music was secular, and the words were posted on a large screen from a transparency.

At the time I was too shocked to be horrified. Now I’m just horrified…the shock has worn off. As my friend and I left the church, she commented to me that she always considered herself to be very liberal…but after that travesty of “worship” she knew that she was closer to conservative! She and I both agreed we’d never go back there, and she said that if she ever again attends a Catholic church, she was going to a conservative one! (She is not Catholic, nor does she belong to any religion).

I remember just wondering how that can happen??? It was AWFUL!!!
I read this thread yesterday and amazingly, didn’t remember a certain experience until just now.

In my local area there is a church so different that it can’t possibly be considered Catholic anymore.

Anyway, I attended the “Mass” with a friend of mine who had heard of the church. This friend had mostly gay friends and had heard of the chruch through them.

The Mass was held in the gymnasium as the church building itself was too small. Instead of a homily, various parishioners got up and gave their testimonials and stories for about 30 minutes. ALL the music was secular, and the words were posted on a large screen from a transparency.

At the time I was too shocked to be horrified. Now I’m just horrified…the shock has worn off. As my friend and I left the church, she commented to me that she always considered herself to be very liberal…but after that travesty of “worship” she knew that she was closer to conservative! She and I both agreed we’d never go back there, and she said that if she ever again attends a Catholic church, she was going to a conservative one! (She is not Catholic, nor does she belong to any religion).

I remember just wondering how that can happen??? It was AWFUL!!!
I think you would be wise to make sure your archbishop’s appeal does not go toward funding this so-called church. If it does, stop donating and give the money instead to EWTN or other orthodox catholic parishes… This form of boycott may be the only thing that will wake up some of these lax bishops and get them to act in a responsible manner. Enough is enough–
Sounds like a letter to the Bishop might be in order here… and lots of prayer. Many of our current bishops and priests were poorly catechized and poorly formed in substandard seminaries. This, mercifully, is turning around… but it’s going to take a few years yet before these new priests (hooray for the FSSP!) are raised to the purple… change WILL come from above eventually, but for now we need to work to change things from BELOW. I’m no Marxist, honest!!!

The Late (and hopefully someday, Saint) Fulton Sheen said in 1972: “Who is going to save our Church? Not our bishops, not our priests and religious. It is up to you, the people.You have the minds, the eyes, the ears to save the Church. Your mission is to see that your priests act like priests, your bishops, like bishops and your religious act like religious.” That’s what we need to be doing right now. Don’t go off about how the Church is going to hell in a handbasket. Because it isn’t. It can’t. Christ promised that. The Novus Ordo, when celebrated Ad Orientem and in the Latin, is a beautiful and reverent liturgy that to most Catholics could look just like the Tridentine High Mass.

Being proactive about things usually helps. I’m putting together a Schola Cantorum at my parish, and I just found out that a bunch of people raised enough money for 30 stained glass windows (lots and lots of big windows in the parish church) to be installed… saw the artwork to be submitted to the artisans today and they’re gonna be gorgeous. And it’ll add an air of reverence to the place. Patens have shown up at communion again, and there’s talk of bringing back the altar rails. Things happen when people take action. Don’t sit and criticize… it only creates polarization.
… We dread going to Mass here, but with a family of seven, sometimes we compromise.

We always regret it…

This, fellow Catholics, is the Church.
The universal church can surely but thank you for your fidelity. As I read your story I see many of the churches in my area. Woe unto thee, Jerusalem…
Winnie the Pooh?!
That reminds me of a Theology teacher I had in Senior Year (1979).
At the start of the class, he holds up a Tonka Truck and says, “This truck has needs.” From that day on, that is what he was remembered by.

What’s next? Vanilla Wafers in stead of the Eucharist? :eek: Singing the theme to ‘The Golden Girls’ (Thank You for Being a Friend), or a surprise visit from The Looney Tunes characters? :eek: :eek:

What does your Bishop say about this…or does he even KNOW or CARE?

Go with God!
I think you would be wise to make sure your archbishop’s appeal does not go toward funding this so-called church. If it does, stop donating and give the money instead to EWTN or other orthodox catholic parishes… This form of boycott may be the only thing that will wake up some of these lax bishops and get them to act in a responsible manner. Enough is enough–
Our Archbishop recently made a stand and said that the politicians in our area should not be recieving Communion if they have public pro-abortion stands.

I actually had not considered contacting the bishop about this church…how does one do this?

Of course, this was several years ago and for all I know the church is not operating in the same way…but just the same, now that I know what I know (this site has been EXTREMELY beneficial in providing info), maybe I should inquire anyway???

I actually grew up with the priest in that church…what I mean by that is that he was our Pastor while I found my niche at Sacred Heart. I always liked him…but when I saw him at the parody of Mass, my heart just broke.

And you know…somehow he didn’t look happy as he always had at Sacred Heart. Go Figure.
I’ve been to 4 different parishes in my area so far. One in particular I will never return to.

There was no procession, hymns sounded like the Nazarene church of my childhood - accompanied by electric guitars and the homily…
Well, it was a mock trial.
Here’s the ironic part - the lesson was on how the teachings of the Gospel are still applicable in today’s world. So I’m sitting there watching 3 lay people play prosecutor, defendent and judge as a homily on keeping faithful to the Gospel teaching??? :hmmm:
Dear Fellow Sufferer,

I can relate but must admit that my parish liturgy is no where near as corrupt as yours, and so I thank you for making me realize the extent of my blessing. I confess that nausea accompanied my reading of your post. Do you perhaps live in the LA Archdiocese?
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