Recent content by Zobia

  1. Z

    "I'm engaged, but now feel called to the priesthood!"

    If a desire for the priesthood arises after engagement, it’s important to take time for prayer and reflection. Seek guidance from a spiritual advisor or vocation director to discern whether this calling is genuine. Have an honest conversation with your fiancé to ensure clear communication...
  2. Z

    clergy's clothing

    I'm excited to share that I'm looking to gift a clergy suit to a dear friend of my pastor. I recently visited and found some wonderful options, but I could use your help in deciding which one would be the best choice! If you have experience with clergy attire or have seen something...
  3. Z

    Growing Closer to God Through Catholic Spiritual Practices

    I'd welcome having you to come on over and offer some commentary
  4. Z

    Growing Closer to God Through Catholic Spiritual Practices

    How can we feel closer to God every day? Catholic practices like prayer, attending Mass, and using the rosary help us build a strong bond with God. These practices remind us of His presence and give us peace. What practices have helped you in your faith journey? Let’s share and learn together!
  5. Z

    The Symbolism of Zechariah 3:4: Fine Garments and a Pure Heart

    In Zechariah 3:4, God speaks through a vision to the prophet: "See, I have taken away your sin, and I will put fine garments on you." This verse holds a profound message about God’s mercy, renewal, and the transformation that comes with forgiveness. In this passage, the "fine garments"...