Übermensch to save Europe?

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With the Islamic colonization of Europe and the West in obvious demographic decline is it time do away with the conciliatory nature of the modern West? Should we begin preparing for the coming continent wide war in Europe by building ourselves into a new a more disciplined people capable of defeating Islam?

Thus Spoke Zarathustra;)
With the Islamic colonization of Europe and the West in obvious demographic decline is it time do away with the conciliatory nature of the modern West? Should we begin preparing for the coming continent wide war in Europe by building ourselves into a new a more disciplined people capable of defeating Islam?

Thus Spoke Zarathustra;)
No. It’s time to embrace seriously the message of the Cross–a “weapon” (if you want to call it that) which Muslims reject on principle.

I’m with Contarini, but that doesn’t exclude the very real possibility of a necessary military engagement.

I’m with Contarini, but that doesn’t exclude the very real possibility of a necessary military engagement.

I would cautiously and reluctantly agree with this. I don’t think following the way of the Cross necessarily involves complete pacifism. I tend to agree with Martin Bucer (and the Reformers generally) that we are called to turn our own cheek, not our neighbor’s cheek.

Trying to convert muslims through peaceful means has never worked or atleast in large numbers which would be required to stop the Islamization of Europe.

Thus Spoke Zarathustra
And what exactly is wrong with Islam?

I have to be totally honest with you. Whenever I read things like this, I have to shake my head because attitudes like these create the problems they intend to solve. How would a Muslim feel upon reading this garbage?

Islam has respect for Christianity. Islam recognizes Jesus as a prophet. And, if you study the Qu’ran you will quickly realize that Islam is a very beautiful religion. Yes, certain fundamentalists misread certain parts of the Qu’ran and use that to inspire violence, but Christianity has also had its share of wackos who use scripture to inspire violence.

I’m going to go back to a bit of scripture that I will always love. Matthew 13: 31-32 says that ‘wild birds’ will nest in the kingdom of heaven. It doesn’t say that only robins will nest in the kingdom of God.

Elsewhere, a Samaritan of all things was the hero in one of Jesus’ parables. Back in that day, the word ‘Samaritan’ was analogous to “Al Qaeda” today. They were considered backwards animals, yet a Samaritan was a hero. Ethnic, or religious tradition has nothing to do with personal nobility.

The world needs love, not hate. And we will not fix the problems in Europe or in the Middle East through spreading hate and advocating violence. Jesus was perhaps the most revolutionary figure of the last several thousand years, yet he refused to raise a sword. He even healed and forgave his enemies.

Let’s be more like Jesus and less like savages.
And what exactly is wrong with Islam?
As just another world religion, there is nothing wrong with Islam. But reality is a bit more complex. If a Muslim’s interpretation of the Quran is centered on the portion that Muhammad wrote while at Mecca, we have much to gain in dialogue and sharing of mutually-held moral precepts with our religious brothers and sisters of Islam. If the Muslim you are talking to centers his or her interpretation on the portion of the Quran written while Muhammad was in Medina, that’s a different story. Chances are, this person believes that all the world will be converted to Islam by the sword, and they are far from alone. This would be all the more evident if the interpretation was one of a kind of fulfillment that was accomplished at Medina by Muhammad. This explanation in itself is overly simplistic and doesn’t begin to touch on the complexities of the real Islam. When Muhammad saw that Islam was gaining immensely in influence, he turned to the sword. This was the first step in Islamic militancy. The Quran is not primarily a book of peace, and it is not read and digested the way that we in the West read and digest books, even sacred books. It would be hopelessly naive to take a stance of absolute pacifism and tolerance in the face of overwhelming evidence of a genuine threat. This in no way justifies pre-emptive measures, but if someone puts a sword to my neighbor’s throat and will kill on pain of refusal to convert, I will not be quoting peaceful Bible verse, I will be fighting back.

This in no way justifies pre-emptive measures, but if someone puts a sword to my neighbor’s throat and will kill on pain of refusal to convert, I will not be quoting peaceful Bible verse, I will be fighting back.

This thread was actually about pre-emptive violence, but, I’m curious about that last sentence. Is your temporal, physical life worth more to you than your spirit? If so, go ahead and fight back. However, if you’re more concerned with the infinite, you may wish to spend some time reading scripture…
This thread was actually about pre-emptive violence, but, I’m curious about that last sentence. Is your temporal, physical life worth more to you than your spirit? If so, go ahead and fight back. However, if you’re more concerned with the infinite, you may wish to spend some time reading scripture…
Where did you get the idea that the thread was about pre-emptive violence? I don’t see that anywhere. In fact, I see just the opposite. But read into it what you like. Additionally, I wonder what Christ would say about my standing by while my family is murdered…

This is not to sound the paranoid trumpet of chicken little. I am using a circumstance I am quite sure that I will not have to personally endure to illustrate the argument.

God Bless

Jon Winterburn
I personally think that we need more missionaries skilled in witnessing to Muslims and go and evangelize the Muslim world to the best of our ability. Hopefully Muslims will convert in mass to Catholicism. Then maybe we wouldn’t have so much to worry about. Unfortunately, Islam doesn’t seem like a religion that is easily evangelized. And honestly, I don’t really understand why either.
With the Islamic colonization of Europe and the West in obvious demographic decline is it time do away with the conciliatory nature of the modern West? Should we begin preparing for the coming continent wide war in Europe by building ourselves into a new a more disciplined people capable of defeating Islam?

Thus Spoke Zarathustra;)
Statements like this make me think maybe the world would be a better place with no religion at all.
I think that there are many young Muslims , the second and the third generations of the emigrants , who are getting more and more indifferent to the religion.
And there are many young Muslim people in Europe who call themselves Muslims but they do not practice their religion any more.
May be its a question if Europe is going to have more mosques in the future , and its a question if they will be filled up with the people.

What gives the assurance that the Islam threat of Europe is indeed alarming ?
Statements like this make me think maybe the world would be a better place with no religion at all.
Such as in Communist Russian under Joseph Stalin. You might want to rethink this.

People are the problem, not the Revelation of the God of Christianity.
The problem is that there are a lot of illegal immigrants from the East who are daily coming to Europe with expectation to stay there forever.
And its not really a difficult to cross the West European border.
Very often they are coming without any documents , inventing some fake names , and inventing the stories that they are from the war countries .
According to European Laws - they have no right to be deported.
I think if such a huge country like USA has a restriction on emigration , the West European countries had to do more strict restrictions from long time ago.

If the people bring the benefit to the society being useful to that society which is very hospitable to them , there would not be a problem with their religious believes.
The problem is when they abuse the system.
When they abuse the hospitality of the country which gave them asylum.
For example as far as I know in the countries like Denmark or Netherlands , there are one of the best social systems for the people.
But according to the statistics the people in these countries are one of the most hard working people in Europe , both man and women.
They do not live on social money having ‘‘unemployment money’’ from the government .
They do not re-rent illegally their apartments which they have got from the government .
The level of criminality and hulliganism is very low among the local citizens of those countries.
And I also do not agree that the purpose of life is to have as more children as possible , without caring of their education.
Uneducated children , when they grow up - its a big problem for the society.
Educated Muslims , who are honest , good natured , and respectable people are the benefit for the country where they live.
And there is no reason to have a bad feelings towards them just because they are Muslims.

But the worst of course is , when the peoples religious believes are the subjects of insults , hate and violence .
When they are not just demand the special position but when the legitimate exercise of free speech is considered as discrimination or repression against them.
But I agree when the label - terrorist , is associated with being a Muslim , then its insulting indeed .
I personally think that we need more missionaries skilled in witnessing to Muslims and go and evangelize the Muslim world to the best of our ability. Hopefully Muslims will convert in mass to Catholicism. Then maybe we wouldn’t have so much to worry about. Unfortunately, Islam doesn’t seem like a religion that is easily evangelized. And honestly, I don’t really understand why either.
It is against the law in countries like Saudi Arabia to bring in Bibles and to evangelize. In some of the Muslim Countries a Muslim who converts to Christianity is liable to the death penalty. Muslim countries are not exactly equal opportunity hot spots. Why do you think the Crusades were necessary? If it weren’t for the Crusades we would all be Muslims today. 👍
It is against the law in countries like Saudi Arabia to bring in Bibles and to evangelize. In some of the Muslim Countries a Muslim who converts to Christianity is liable to the death penalty. Muslim countries are not exactly equal opportunity hot spots. Why do you think the Crusades were necessary? If it weren’t for the Crusades we would all be Muslims today. 👍
Yes, I was going to make the same point. It’s difficult to evangelize in Islamic countries because evangelization is not permitted. Even St. Francis of Assisi did not succeed at it, though he did manage to leave with his head intact.
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