Archbishop Raymond Burke condemns the deceptive language used in the proposed amendment to the constitution in Missouri which purports to ban human cloning while actually making it a constitutional right.
Further on, he points to the exploitation of women and recommends Catholics read the website :yup: www.handsoffourovaries.comThe woman who subjects herself to the harvesting of her eggs for human cloning participates in a grave moral evil, the artificial generation of human life. The many deceptions involved in the language of Amendment 2 — for example, the statement that it bans human cloning when, in fact, it gives the constitutional right to clone human beings — should make us realize that women will be asked to cooperate in the process without the necessary explanation of the moral implications of their cooperation.
The** natural moral law prohibits any woman from cooperating in the act of human cloning**. It also prohibits her from taking part in a process that results in the killing of a human being at the embryonic stage of development. A woman’s cooperation in the twin evils of human cloning and the destruction of human embryos for the sake of the harvesting of stem cells is never justified…