‘We Are Not The New York Times’

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Actually, that’s probably a pretty good assessment. 18 months ago I would have said Investors Business Daily…but it’s no longer a daily!

For quality, content, and above all impartiality I must say the Daily Racing Form - but it’s kind of a targeted niche! NY Post has the best sports section (Please forgive me, I’m ashamed!)
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I’ve been a WSJ reader, when the occasion arises, for over 40 years now, ever since college. I can’t afford a subscription anymore (neither print nor online) but I do manage to snag a copy if I stay in a hotel that makes it available gratis. Great paper.
I’d read WSJ more often if it wasn’t behind an insurmountable paywall. There’s very little reason for me to pay for news when the same story is available on network television pages free to viewers (supported by ads). The papers would have you believe you’re paying for quality journalism, but there’s also plenty of quality journalism available online for free (supported by ads). If a paper can’t at least provide three free articles a month then I’m not going to bother.
I’d read WSJ more often if it wasn’t behind an insurmountable paywall. There’s very little reason for me to pay for news when the same story is available on network television pages free to viewers (supported by ads). The papers would have you believe you’re paying for quality journalism, but there’s also plenty of quality journalism available online for free (supported by ads). If a paper can’t at least provide three free articles a month then I’m not going to bother.
I’m with you on this. I ration out my reading of articles from The Atlantic for this reason — they give you a few free articles per month, evidently they put a tracking cookie on your computer. I don’t understand why Matt Drudge constantly links to WSJ articles, when he should know that the majority of his readers won’t be able to read them.
The NYTimes is taking a couple more bounces, like all dead cats do.
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