Re-printed from Our Franciscan Fiat
Last night (or rather, early this morning) , as I waited for the nurse to come in at 5 so I could go sleep, I called to mind these beautiful words from Psalm 130. This psalm was fresh in mind since we have been praying it each evening lately for one of our deceased Sisters; we have the practice of doing this for a week whenever a Sister from our international congregation dies.
To quote more fully from the psalm: “My soul is waiting for the Lord, I count on His word. My soul is longing for the Lord, more than watchmen for daybreak. Let the watchman count on daybreak and Israel on the Lord.”
Anyway, this morning, I had finished my work and was just standing in the hallway waiting for the nurse to come. I was quite tired since I hadn’t slept for nearly 24 hours. I could really relate to this passage and thought: “So this is how the watchmen referred to in the psalm felt.”
What does this tell us, then, about how we are to “wait for the Lord” and “count on his word?” We should do so with eagerness. For the watchman (and for me last night), dawn could not come too soon! We are to have our focus on Christ and count on Him, eagerly! Just as I knew dawn would come, the nurse would arrive, and I could go rest, so we know that He will be there for us.
Let us count on Him; He is the dawn we hope for!
Sister Christina M. Neumann
Last night (or rather, early this morning) , as I waited for the nurse to come in at 5 so I could go sleep, I called to mind these beautiful words from Psalm 130. This psalm was fresh in mind since we have been praying it each evening lately for one of our deceased Sisters; we have the practice of doing this for a week whenever a Sister from our international congregation dies.
To quote more fully from the psalm: “My soul is waiting for the Lord, I count on His word. My soul is longing for the Lord, more than watchmen for daybreak. Let the watchman count on daybreak and Israel on the Lord.”
Anyway, this morning, I had finished my work and was just standing in the hallway waiting for the nurse to come. I was quite tired since I hadn’t slept for nearly 24 hours. I could really relate to this passage and thought: “So this is how the watchmen referred to in the psalm felt.”
What does this tell us, then, about how we are to “wait for the Lord” and “count on his word?” We should do so with eagerness. For the watchman (and for me last night), dawn could not come too soon! We are to have our focus on Christ and count on Him, eagerly! Just as I knew dawn would come, the nurse would arrive, and I could go rest, so we know that He will be there for us.
Let us count on Him; He is the dawn we hope for!
Sister Christina M. Neumann