“A Republic, If You Can Keep It”

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The difficult thing is that the Constitution derives from Judeo-Christian concepts of reality, and this concept of reality is fading from American consciousness, especially with un-churched young people.

One of the most basic Christian concepts is of a fallen, relatively static reality, where sinful men backslide, wish to establish tyranny and oppress others, etc. Although technology changes, this sin nature of humanity does not change. This is the Judeo-Christian world view, which the Constitution attempts to address by establishing fundamental rights, laws, etc.

As Judeo-Christian reality fades in American culture, it is supplanted by the seductive lie that UTOPIA is achievable in this world. This faith is the basis of the lie called “progressivism.” This takes many forms, none of which work in this world, because they are divorced from reality. Some forms of utopian progressivism are: extreme environmentalism, socialism, communism, Naziism, establishment of a world Islamic State, etc., etc.

Behind political issues, there is a spiritual struggle for people’s hearts, souls, and minds. If people give up the deception of utopian progressivism, they will be able to look at the world realistically. Then, they will appreciate how a very prudently constructed United States Constitution attempts to preserve humanity in a sinful world.
Our country was founded with awareness of original sin. The constitution tried to limit the potential harm done by any individual or group.

Today most people lack any knowledge of original sin.
Augustine had it right: two cities, each opposed to the other, growing on the same earth. The City of God; the city of this world. Every man must choose, and seek, and struggle for the end he desires.

These are dangerous times we live in. The clash seems near.
1Th 5:1 But as to the times and the seasons, brethren, you have no need to have anything written to you.
1Th 5:2 For you yourselves know well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.
1Th 5:3 When people say, “There is peace and security,” then sudden destruction will come upon them as travail comes upon a woman with child, and there will be no escape.
1Th 5:4 But you are not in darkness, brethren, for that day to surprise you like a thief.
1Th 5:5 For you are all sons of light and sons of the day; we are not of the night or of darkness.
1Th 5:6 So then let us not sleep, as others do, but let us keep awake and be sober.
I observed a microcosm of human interaction in the last three months. Almost everyone I saw was open to obeying the local laws and emergency mandates rather quickly. However, when the same mandates were presented as recommendations for the health and safety of others, they went from mostly being followed to seldom being followed, even though it was clear that these recommendations were needed for the safety of others. In a Christian nation, the recommendations should have been sufficient, but were not. I think we have lost enough of our moral compass that what once might have worked in a republic, will not work. We do not respond, as a whole, when presented with what we should do for others, only with what we do not want others doing to us.
I observed a microcosm of human interaction in the last three months. Almost everyone I saw was open to obeying the local laws and emergency mandates rather quickly. However, when the same mandates were presented as recommendations for the health and safety of others, they went from mostly being followed to seldom being followed, even though it was clear that these recommendations were needed for the safety of others. In a Christian nation, the recommendations should have been sufficient, but were not. I think we have lost enough of our moral compass that what once might have worked in a republic, will not work. We do not respond, as a whole, when presented with what we should do for others, only with what we do not want others doing to us.
This perfectly captures what has been so disappointing to me through this pandemic.

There was a meme circulating elsewhere that said: ”The biggest mistake health professionals made was telling Americans that wearing a mask was to protect others. Know your audience.”
Almost everyone I saw was open to obeying the local laws and emergency mandates rather quickly. However, when the same mandates were presented as recommendations for the health and safety of others,
I live in a place where masks were not mandated for a long time, but were highly recommended as protection for others. Almost everyone wore them and is wearing them still. The mandate made no difference in what I saw.

But this is a pretty populated area, so maybe that makes a difference?
But this is a pretty populated area, so maybe that makes a difference?
Perhaps presentation is everything. Being misled is not an option though. I do not know the difference. I know we are an independent lot here, but by and large, we are also very courteous. I was very surprised that recommendations for the protection of neighbors was not enough. Perhaps ignorance also played a factor. The type of bias political programming popular might have contributed to this ignorance.

To the latter, I would like to suggest that next time we have something to which we need information but are steeped in ignorance, it is all the more important to not listen to that which gives you confirmation. Ideally, to understand viruses and their spread, the first place to start would have been science venues prior to 2019, where politics would not have been an issue.

So back to the first quote. It should be noted that Washington disliked political parties and alignments.
However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion…The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge, natural to party dissension, which in different ages and countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism.
Perhaps prophetically:
The spirit of party] opens the door to foreign influence and corruption, which finds a facilitated access to the government itself through the channels of party passions.
Here is Ben giving a speech in support of the new constitution. It is an insightful, and fun, read\

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Perhaps presentation is everything. Being misled is not an option though. I do not know the difference. I know we are an independent lot here, but by and large, we are also very courteous. I was very surprised that recommendations for the protection of neighbors was not enough. Perhaps ignorance also played a factor. The type of bias political programming popular might have contributed to this ignorance.
OTOH, when people first started wearing masks, we were told that they would not be helpful to ourselves or others. The turnaround may look suspicious to some.
So back to the first quote. It should be noted that Washington disliked political parties and alignments.
I see it as a terrible system, but also can not conceive of a better, as long as it takes money to campaign.

Individuals being financed on an individual basis can also lead to corrpution…
I see it as a terrible system, but also can not conceive of a better, as long as it takes money to campaign.
Society is slow to change, but there are other systems that are conceivable that may just now become possible. For example, we have a minimum age for the job, but not a minimum IQ. If we have a way to vote on Bachelors, Singers, and Dancers, some who come from obscurity, perhaps one day we could have a grassroots filtering system to filter out all but the best.
If we have a way to vote on Bachelors, Singers, and Dancers, some who come from obscurity, perhaps one day we could have a grassroots filtering system to filter out all but the best
Not unless we can filter out all those who would “vote based on their own self-interest” as opposed to the interest of all those within the area of representation.
I read recently that when authentic relationship with God is rejected, men are left imprisoned in the confines of their own ego. Because this is totally in conflict with the nature of man, with his design from the hand of God, the result is great anxiety, inner disturbance, a blur of fear within - and a path toward insanity and self-destruction.
However, when the same mandates were presented as recommendations for the health and safety of others, they went from mostly being followed to seldom being followed
Sometimes I wonder if there isn’t something genetic with Americans that makes us all Contrary-Mary’s.

I mean, the people who came here were malcontents from their European nations, the folks who didn’t want to follow the state-sanctioned religion, and inmates of the penal system.

The quieter and more obedient types stayed back in Europe.
However, when the same mandates were presented as recommendations for the health and safety of others, they went from mostly being followed to seldom being followed
Sometimes I wonder if there isn’t something genetic with Americans that makes us all Contrary-Mary’s.

I mean, the people who came here were malcontents from their European nations, the folks who didn’t want to follow the state-sanctioned religion, and inmates of the penal system.

The quieter and more obedient types stayed back in Europe.
You are describing the typical Americans of a century ago. Today most of us are Media Mollys.
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