“Atheist psychiatrist argues that gays can change.”

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From First Things:

“Atheist psychiatrist argues that gays can change.” That’s the subhead of a Christianity Today interview with Robert Spitzer, professor of psychiatry at Columbia University. It is no criticism of Christianity Today to note that his being an atheist is viewed as a plus. It is to say, “Hey, it’s not just we Christians who think this way.” The Spitzer story is indeed interesting. Back in 1973 he was instrumental in having the American Psychiatric Association declare that homosexuality is not a clinical disorder. Thirty years later, after extensive research with homosexuals who had undergone reparative therapy (the preferred term now is “reorientation therapy”), he concluded that it was about as effective as most therapies. A storm ensued when he published his findings in the October 2003 issue of Archives of Sexual Behavior. Spitzer thinks his position is less controversial today. Asked if he is planning a follow-up study, he said, “No. I feel a little battle fatigue. But also I’m not sure what the study would be. Some people have said, ‘Follow these people, interview them five years later, see how many of them have switched back,’ since it’s well known that some ex-gays give it up. But suppose you found that 5 percent or 10 percent did switch back. I mean, so what? You’d find the same thing if you followed people who had treatment for drug addiction. Some are going to relapse.” That sounds about right.

– Mark L. Chance.
Good story, for more nformation on helping homosexuals change, visit the websites of PFOX and especially NARTH.
Funny how these articles never seem to make it in mainstream media. You’ll never see that arguement on regular TV news programs. You will, however, see studies that claim that they are narrowing in on the “gay gene.”
I think Gays are possesed by satan as God says in romans, that he has given them over to a perverse mind because of their sins, and you can see it on their outward appearance, on their face.

I think the only way to change is massive penance and for the gay person to realize its a sin and hes possesed.

I think Gays are possesed by satan as God says in romans, that he has given them over to a perverse mind because of their sins, and you can see it on their outward appearance, on their face.

I think the only way to change is massive penance and for the gay person to realize its a sin and hes possesed.

I’ve never been given this gift to tell by their outward appearance. Usually the only way I know that they are gay is if they tell me. I then proceed to let them know I don’t believe they were born into a behavior so this can change. But I’m not about to tell him he is possessed.
Hey Trcmm,

I’m a gay teenager! Oh, but don’t get too close…you wouldn’t want to catch ‘it’.

Sadly, after extensive excorcisms, after burning my face with holy water, I’m still gay. Every night I go out with all my posessed gay friends and we gather at a secret gay bar…as we plot to destory everything you hold sacred. All of it. We plan out how to destroy the family, after we’ve destoryed our own, we plot how to destory society (because we hate it) and we plan how to recruit your children for Satan.

Maybe you can pray that these evil spirits leave me,


P.S did you know that the girl in the excoricst was supposed to be a lesbian! Its true! Thats why she did all the freaky stuff.
Hey Trcmm,

I’m a gay teenager! Oh, but don’t get too close…you wouldn’t want to catch ‘it’.

Sadly, after extensive excorcisms, after burning my face with holy water, I’m still gay. Every night I go out with all my posessed gay friends and we gather at a secret gay bar…as we plot to destory everything you hold sacred. All of it. We plan out how to destroy the family, after we’ve destoryed our own, we plot how to destory society (because we hate it) and we plan how to recruit your children for Satan.

Maybe you can pray that these evil spirits leave me,


P.S did you know that the girl in the excoricst was supposed to be a lesbian! Its true! Thats why she did all the freaky stuff.
LOL Thanks for sharing.

Although I am a teenager as well 😉 (17 years old), I don’t believe in sexual reorientation that well as a way of reparative treatment. I have seen testimonies of too few successes of such therapies, and they seem to give a bad character to Christianity in my humble opinion. And I also do not believe that homosexuality can be detected by merely outer appearance only. Especially when there are good homosexuals out there living the Christian lifestyle. I know one Messianic Jew who is a shining and beautiful example of this. Various passages in the Bible indicate that homosexual peoples or heterosexual peoples with same-sex tendencies are punished why? Not because they are homosexual, but because they attempted erroneous sexual sin.

To say that homosexuals who are goodly, godly, chaste and celibate people and homosexuals who actually practice sexual stimulation with the same sex are the same thing is an offending generalisation to me.

I have also met men who have feminine tendencies or feminised, yet they are heterosexual. Judging the sexuality of a person based on “externalities” is mere speculation and assumption. It is nothing more than speculating that people of short stature do not sexually perform well, or men with big feet / nose / hands have bigger genitalia.

I usually can tell who is a sinner and who is saint, by their outwardly actions (lest it be a truthfully spiritual individual). But sexuality is a personal discretion, and only God can judge our hearts and minds.

Besides, Demonic possession is a rare case, and can happen to even the most venerable of saints. However, homosexual or heterosexual, they are both required to lead chaste lives in actions, thoughts and words, and if homosexual, then also celibately.

**“And the Lord said to Samuel: Look not on his countenance, nor on the height of his stature: because I have rejected him, nor do I judge according to the look of man: for man seeth those things that appear, but the Lord beholdeth the heart.”

1 Samuel 16:7
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