Thank you for sharing this. I read this article on Mercatornet. It really spoke to me as I myself am over 60, and my parents divorced when I was still in middle school. My Dad remarried shortly thereafter and I faced the same situation. I’m not going to go into detail although my parents are now deceased but suffice it to say that divorce hurts children, my siblings and I have carried around a certain amount of pain for years.
When my folks divorced in the 1960’s, divorce wasn’t nearly as common, but sad to say, it is now.
In the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s the mantra was: **the kids will do fine, they aren’t happy if the parents aren’t happy- **so I forgive my parents. But today, I believe we know different.
I want to make it clear that I am not speaking about abusive situations, where one spouse or the other MUST get out with the kids, or in situations where a spouse has been divorced without their consent, and must make the best of it, as our no-fault divorce laws have made it so.
This is why it is such a touchy subject.