But the children were still underage was my point. To me a homosexual is attrackted to someone of their own sex,but that is of age. While I believe that homosexuality is abnormal in every way, I still will not put it on the same level as a man going after and abusing someone that is under the legal age of consent. That’s perversion. In my eyes, anyone that is under the legal age of consent is a child.
There have been cases in the last few yeas where a man (not a Priest) has raped a a teen, and everyone aggreed that the man was a pedophile, even theough the victim was anywhere from 14 to 17 years old. So lets not give the Priests, small persentage as it may be, special treatment. I pray for these men because they do have a serious problem when they are attracted to a child, but they still deserve jail time for the harm they did.