“We won’t give up on you.”

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Well gosh.

I recall a moment recently where I kind of laughed, during prayer, and looked up,” Just let me go…I’m not sure I’m ever meant to join!”

Um, well, TODAY I (Again) happened upon one of the three priests who frequents my small-town Catholic Church…

And- I kid ya not- he kind of smiled as I was saying,

“Oh I’m so sorry, I’m so lame- darn it- I- I’m gonna try to get to RCIA eventually it’s just that…well gasps it’s such a BIG decision, Father…”

And his response was, “Wherever the spirit leads you. We won’t give up on you, Tabitha.”

”We won’t give up on you”

(Cue my heart, cracking into pieces because of the kindness of it)

And the thing is I kinda wish they’d give up, heheh! 😭 Then maybe I could feel less guilty! awkward shuffling of feet

I don’t belong- not really! (Though I feel less like that than before) After all, I struggle with the Church teaching the way a cat tears at string!

I- I support the LGBT peeps in my life and I even went to a friend’s wedding with her girlfriend~ 😊 (There were rainbow balloons and it was amazing) Even though I’m not gay myself.

I think nuns and priests oughta be allowed to marry and remain in Their Orders. ❤️ I spoke with a former nun (Just the nicest little lady) When I worked at the coffee shop, asking her what made her leave,

“I fell in love,” Was her simple reply, with a sad smile.

Not to mention, I hardly ever feel the desire to date, myself, I’ve never even been with anyone, if ya know what I mean- nor do I feel drawn to be-
(Awkward thing to mention, I know! blush I’m sorry!)

-and I’m concerned that the Church will either insist I marry or become a member of Religious Order. 😳 squeaks with anxiety (Not That there’s anything wrong with either of those things- I’m just worried about pressure, either way!)

Don’t be mad at me hugs
I LOVE The Church and the peeps in it! 😊 And the statements above are my opinions- only that- and I respect the people on here who feel otherwise.

But, ya see the struggle?

Note: Maybe I should have mentioned some of the above to Father…

Also Note: Please don’t send the Templars after me… 😳 hides and barricades self inside
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You realize there are married Catholic priests (I have the numbers of two of them in my mobile phone right now, they are my friends). There are ways that people can still serve, be devoted to God outside of a celibate order.

It is not either or, it is both and.

About friends who carry the cross of LGBTQ, we are commanded to be compassionate and kind. Attending weddings is something that each of us Catholics would discuss one on one with our priest, because there is not a definitive statement from the Vatican (and I never expect there to be one).

After years of study and prayer, one begins to see the beauty of the Church’s teaching on marriage and sexuality. It also helps me to see people as just people, and I leave convicting them of sin to the Holy Spirit.

You might want to read Fr Martin’s book “Building Bridges”. The Church should not change her teachings, because they are true. We can embrace the teachings AND at the same time embrace people.
Thank you for your thoughts, ma’am. ❤️ I think you are a kind, wonderful person, and your post sorta put things into perspective, a bit!

It is heartening to read your words! ‘Specially when these discussions seem to um, usually result in angry responses from others- from what I’ve seen on the forum (Not always but sometimes. I know it’s controversial) slowly emerges from behind shield :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I haven’t read his book yet, but I’ve come across some of his talks on YouTube! Father Martin seems like a gentle soul, like an uncle you’d wanna talk to~ I’ll have to check out the book! 🌻❤️
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Regardless of what you read on here, being Catholic doesn’t mean you ditch out on all your gay friends or family members, as the case may be. Many gay people are deeply religious and by that I mean they have a personal relationship with Our Lord Jesus Christ. Those of us who try to be kind and support our gay friends and loved ones and don’t think Fr. Martin is a baddie tend to not post about it on here because we know it will just release huge waves of turmoil from a handful of posters and we don’t need the drama.

In any event, if you yourself are not struggling with being gay, this isn’t an issue that should keep you out of the Church. The Church doors are open to all, we don’t throw people out for being gay, and it’s likely a number of the songs you sing at Mass were written by gays. You should pray for gays and also pray for all the people who have issues with them, and then proceed to focus on your own spiritual life and how you yourself are going to get you yourself to Heaven.
This is true. I would say the Catholic Church stays out of people’s personal lives and choices way more than the vast majority of other churches I see around me.
As a Christian you have to rearrange the way you see things. Like for LGBTQ it is okay to love them but to love them is to not let them persist in sin or encourage them.
I think you understand a lot already. The Church may or may not advise you on your marital status. That depends on your priest and confessor and spiritual director if you get one.
With the help of the Holy Spirit you will never regret the decision you make to enter. It is not a secret society, there are no hidden games. Christ is Truth and Light.
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to love them is to not let them persist in sin
Just want to clarify, this does not mean “let” as in try to stop them like with a friend who is drunk who wants to drive.

It’s not our job to physically stop people from sinning.

Welcome to CAF, and hopefully we will one day welcome you to the Church 😃
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☀️❤️ Thank you!! Bless you, and please keep me in your prayers~ 😊
Just want to clarify, this does not mean “let” as in try to stop them like with a friend who is drunk who wants to drive.
Right. It’s the same as any friend you have who is fornicating. You don’t “let” them bring their partner over to your house and hook up in your guest room. But you don’t need to hound them about their sinfulness every time you have lunch together, and you don’t lock them in your guest room to keep them from going out to meet their Tinder date.
When Jesus was baptized and came up out of the Jordan, the skies opened and the voice boomed, “This is my beloved son with whom I am well pleased.”

During a particularly rough time in my life, sobbing in confession, I had a priest tell me we ought to remind ourselves each day that God desires to say that about each of us: “you are his beloved son/daughter with whom he is well pleased.”

There’s a reason you feel as you do about these things and are still being urged by the Spirit toward the Church. Be open to exploring why and why it would appear there are contradictions; as others have said, they may not be as stark as you think. I’ve found over the years that things are rarely as black and white as they seem (and definitely not as black and white as many others would like them to be), so we figure out where we are in the gray.

That’s about all I can say for now without rambling, but your story pulls at my heart because I think it sounds so very familiar to me. You’ll be in my prayers, and many of us here are always willing to talk through these things with you - either in the forums or PM.
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“So we figure out where we are in the gray”

I think those words are very true. ❤️ Thank you for your kindness!! It really helps to know that others have felt this way, too, and that I’m not alone!

Also, I’m sorry to hear that you went through that difficult time in your life; and glad to hear that the priest was able to comfort you. I will continue to keep my heart open to the Church, and the Spirit, to try to see where I’m being led.
I’m guessing because it was pretty.

We women often describe the decor that was at events we attended.
Hi OP!
Good to “hear” from you again. 🙂
The spiritual life is one of tension—we are pulled one way, and then the other.
Other people upthread have given great insights, so I just want to say I’m remembering you on my prayers on your journey ❤️:pray:t2:❤️:pray:t2:
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