“What Does Hillary Think?”

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For Immediate Release Nov 27, 2006 Contact: Press Office

** “What Does Hillary Think?” **
New Special Report Raises Disturbing Questions about Hillary Clinton and Abortion

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, today announced the release of a special report, New Clinton White House Records Raise Disturbing Questions about Hillary Clinton and Abortion. Judicial Watch’s report includes excerpts of new documents obtained by Judicial Watch from the Clinton Presidential Library in Little Rock, Arkansas. According to the report’s introduction: “Judicial Watch’s research of Clinton Archives has turned-up additional, never-before-seen records detailing Team Clintons’ strong support – both politically and ideologically – for attacking the pro-life movement and aggressively expanding the ‘culture of death,’ especially with public funding.”

Judicial Watch’s special report focuses on three particular documents that provide evidence that Hillary Clinton was a key player in crafting the Clinton administration’s radical abortion policies, that anti-Catholic slurs were distributed among senior White House staff, and that the abortion issue was cynically managed for political purposes by the Clinton White House. Among the highlights of the report:

• The Clinton Archives contain a memo from Domestic Policy Council staffer Bill Galston to President Bill Clinton, suggesting the president “lower the public profile” of the administration’s radical pro-abortion policies: “…it is essential to regain our balance on cultural matters. . . . we should not go out of our way to emphasize issues that reinforce the impression that we are somehow outside the cultural mainstream.” Galston specifically cited radical, early moves of the Clinton administration: “. . . gays in the military, political correctness on campus, quotas, and reproductive services contained within a health care proposal.”

• The Galston memo includes a two-page discussion of the Hyde Amendment, weighing legislative tactics, public opinion and political strategy, ending with President Bill Clinton’s handwritten question, “What does Hillary think?” next to the “decision” section of the memo.

• The Clinton Archives contain an April 1, 1993 letter from Takey Crist, MD, the director of the Crist Clinic for Women in Jacksonville, NC, to George Stephanopoulos as White House Communications Director. **The Crist letter attacks Representative Hyde and the Catholic Church for defending all innocent human life: ** “Critics who say that paying for federally financed abortions would put taxpayers into the ‘grisly business’ of abortion are using the same scare tactics that were used back in 1976 and 1977 by Henry Hyde who has been financed and paid off by the Catholic church for years.”

“This special report provides important behind-the-scenes details regarding the creation and execution of the Clinton administration’s radical pro-abortion agenda,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “These new documents show that the Clinton White House treated abortion with corrupt cynicism and that Hillary Clinton was at the center of decision-making on the issue.”

Hillary Clinton says she wants to make abortion “safe, legal and rare.” Isn’t that statement inconsistent with the proaborts’ refusal to admit that abortion is bad? If its so great, why strive to make it rare? I think Hillary Clinton should be called on it, as well as on the matters mentioned in the Judicial Watch article. If she wants to be president, she should be required to explain herself on all the issues, including responding to unscreened questions. She doesn’t have the courage to do so - instead, she resorts to name-calling and smear tactics.
I think she is just saying what she thinks us prolife people want to hear.
Hillary Clinton on Abortion
Democratic Jr Senator (NY)
Respect Roe v. Wade, but make adoptions easier too
Hillary has spoken clearly about the importance of respecting such landmark Supreme Court decisions as Roe v. Wade. Her commitment to supporting Roe and working to reduce the number of abortions [includes] reducing the number of unwanted pregnancies. Hillary is one of the original cosponsors of the Prevention First Act to increase access to family planning. As First Lady, Hillary led efforts to make adoption easier and increase support for families in the adoption and foster care system.
Source: PAC website, www.hillpac.com, “Biography” Nov 17, 2006
Alternatives to pro-choice like forced pregnancy in Romania
When I defend my pro-choice position in the debate over abortion in our country, I frequently refer to Romania, where pregnancy could be monitored on behalf of the state, & to China, where it could be forcibly terminated. One reason I continue to oppose efforts to criminalize abortion is that I do not believe any government should have the power to dictate, through law or police action, a woman’s most personal decision.
[The Romanian dictatorship in the 1980s] banned birth control and abortion, insisting that women bear children for the sake of the state. Women told me how they had been carted from their workplace once a month to be examined by government doctors whose task was to make sure they weren’t using contraceptives or aborting pregnancies. I could not imagine a more humiliating experience.
In Romania and elsewhere, many children were born unwanted or into families that could not afford to care for them. They became wards of the state, warehoused in orphanages.
Source: Living History, by Hillary Rodham Clinton, p. 354-5 Nov 1, 2003
Must safeguard constitutional rights, including choice
Q: What kind of justice to the Supreme Court would you support?
A: I think the fate of the Supreme Court hangs in the balance. If we take Gov. Bush at his word, his two favorite Justices are Scalia and Thomas, both of whom are committed to overturning Roe v. Wade, ending a woman’s right to choose.** I could not go along with that.** In the Senate, I will be looking very carefully at the constitutional views [indicating] as to what that nominee believes about basic, fundamental, constitutional rights.
Source: Senate debate in Manhattan Oct 8, 2000
website 03n-NARAL on Dec 31, 2003

Safe, Legal, and Never
Hillary Clinton’s anti-abortion strategy.
By William Saletan
Posted Wednesday, Jan. 26, 2005, at 11:53 PM ET


National Abortion Rights Action League

Congressional Record on Choice
Hillary Rodham Clinton (D)
U.S. Senate
New York
Pro-Choice Score: 100%

Click here to download the full 2005 Congressional Record on Choice (PDF - 203 kb).

If you want to read a great story about how the Clintons tried to ramrod abortion into the UN agenda during Pope JP II’s papacy, read “Witness to Hope” by George Weigel. It was embarrassing to see the stance they took…
I only skimmed the article, but am I understanding that she would STILL give money to china who FORCES women to abort if they are pregnant with a second child OR if they are pregnant with a girl?

Hilary is the DEVIL. She must NOT become president.

:gopray: Lord, Have Mercy on our Nation :gopray2:
I only skimmed the article, but am I understanding that she would STILL give money to china who FORCES women to abort if they are pregnant with a second child OR if they are pregnant with a girl?

Hilary is the DEVIL. She must NOT become president.

:gopray: Lord, Have Mercy on our Nation :gopray2:
Let’s not call Hillary names. Let’s just say that she holds positions that should be repugnant to all Catholics.
Hillary is as extreme Pro-Abortion as you can be. Although she will probably run as a moderate on the abortion issue just to get more votes until she gets into the White House.

She is someone who will never go on the tough talk show circuit (like Hannity & Colmes or O’Reilly) and always takes both sides of an issue because she does not have the guts to step up to the plate with her true convictions.
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