Protestant Friend:
(1) 1 Cor 3:15
(2) Righteousness as taught by Paul (I’m not sure what Pauline letter(s) he was referring to)
Can anyone help me with the context of:…Protestants do not object the idea of Purgatory because it is supported solely by Tradition but…becouse the Purgatory contradicts the St. Paul’s teaching of imputed righteousness to a sinner through his faith. 1.Cor 3:15 is not speaking about clensing of sins after death but about the authenticity of the ministries of the prominent men. Corinthian christians have come to idolise gifted servants (Peter, Apolos, Paul 3:4-5) and to form fractions within the church in terms of following particular minister of God. Now Paul demistyfies those ministers in the Corinthian eyes by saying how those glitering ministries don’t make good basis for forming any “holy orders” as it can be missleading. What is their worth will be shown in “the day” not in Purgatory and fire won’t be clensing but “testing every man’s work” to show if it is really what it seems to be. The hole purpose of those words is not to encouriedge imagination of some afterlife “place or process” but to sober Corinthians in their over-elevaiting mere men.
(1) 1 Cor 3:15
(2) Righteousness as taught by Paul (I’m not sure what Pauline letter(s) he was referring to)