Florida is well-known for its 10-20-Life law regarding gun violence…
Now, after having been called to roughly my 40th motor vehicle fatality directly cause by a drunk driver last night, i have had it, and plan to bring a sequel to 10-20-life, Rambo style. **I HAVE HAD IT WITH DRUNK DRIVERS. **
The 10-20-LIFE (!) [Factorial] Law (10x2-20x4-LIFE)
I am currently writing (myself) a Bill that essentially parallels the Gun 10-20-life law, and is summarized as follows:
Simple conviction for DUI (blood alcohol/impairment > 0.8) - Mandatory 10 month jail time, NO EXCEPTIONS UPON CONVICTION/PLEAD. Additionally, 10 month suspension of license after release
Second conviction/Plead, OR 1st conviction (blood alcohol/impairment > 1.2 AND/OR DEA Schedule I/II drugs found in blood or serious maim/injury caused in a vehicle crash) - MANDATORY MINIMUM 20 month jail sentence, with additional 20 months suspended license, with the option to extend the prison term to a minimum 40 months.
Third conviction OR second gross over limit/multiple drugs in blood system OR a combination of convictions and a serious vehicle crash OR being way over the limit and causing death and/or serious injury through a vehicle crash - MANDATORY MINIMUM 20 years, with LIFE SUSPENSION OF MOTOR VEHICLE LICENSE, with an additional option to factor in death/serious injury into providing a longer sentence up to and including LIFE IMPRISONMENT WITH NO PAROLE.
Here’s what I like about the sentencing guidelines I’m writing:
“The jury may recommend an appropriate sentence, and according the the Florida Constitution, the presiding judge imposes the final penalty, which under this law, he may levy a sentence NOT UNDER the MANDATORY, but also additionally may prescribe a sentence that is a multiple, factorial, and/or combination of sentences mandated for each severed, or additional charge, as he sees fit, or the jury recommends, that fits the devastating consequences of the crime. Multiple charges can and may be introduced FOR EACH SEPARATE motor vehicle collision caused by the impaired driver, and additionally, for each DISTINCT IMPAIRING SUBSTANCE FOUND IN THE BLOOD.”
Motor Vehicle Crash - meaning the impact of once single vehicle with another single vehicle ONE TIME, with specific intent that this clause be interpreted that multiple collisions of the SAME VEHICLES can be considered MULTIPLE COLLISIONS. Motor Vehicle Crashes directly caused BY the impaired driver, and subsequent other crashes that result from the original crash are to be treated as being caused by the impaired driver.
What do you guys think? I am going to borderline harass my reps and state senators, and email and post to their blogs EVERY DUI fatality/serious crash, and try and visit them frequently.
Now, after having been called to roughly my 40th motor vehicle fatality directly cause by a drunk driver last night, i have had it, and plan to bring a sequel to 10-20-life, Rambo style. **I HAVE HAD IT WITH DRUNK DRIVERS. **
The 10-20-LIFE (!) [Factorial] Law (10x2-20x4-LIFE)
I am currently writing (myself) a Bill that essentially parallels the Gun 10-20-life law, and is summarized as follows:
Simple conviction for DUI (blood alcohol/impairment > 0.8) - Mandatory 10 month jail time, NO EXCEPTIONS UPON CONVICTION/PLEAD. Additionally, 10 month suspension of license after release
Second conviction/Plead, OR 1st conviction (blood alcohol/impairment > 1.2 AND/OR DEA Schedule I/II drugs found in blood or serious maim/injury caused in a vehicle crash) - MANDATORY MINIMUM 20 month jail sentence, with additional 20 months suspended license, with the option to extend the prison term to a minimum 40 months.
Third conviction OR second gross over limit/multiple drugs in blood system OR a combination of convictions and a serious vehicle crash OR being way over the limit and causing death and/or serious injury through a vehicle crash - MANDATORY MINIMUM 20 years, with LIFE SUSPENSION OF MOTOR VEHICLE LICENSE, with an additional option to factor in death/serious injury into providing a longer sentence up to and including LIFE IMPRISONMENT WITH NO PAROLE.
Here’s what I like about the sentencing guidelines I’m writing:
“The jury may recommend an appropriate sentence, and according the the Florida Constitution, the presiding judge imposes the final penalty, which under this law, he may levy a sentence NOT UNDER the MANDATORY, but also additionally may prescribe a sentence that is a multiple, factorial, and/or combination of sentences mandated for each severed, or additional charge, as he sees fit, or the jury recommends, that fits the devastating consequences of the crime. Multiple charges can and may be introduced FOR EACH SEPARATE motor vehicle collision caused by the impaired driver, and additionally, for each DISTINCT IMPAIRING SUBSTANCE FOUND IN THE BLOOD.”
Motor Vehicle Crash - meaning the impact of once single vehicle with another single vehicle ONE TIME, with specific intent that this clause be interpreted that multiple collisions of the SAME VEHICLES can be considered MULTIPLE COLLISIONS. Motor Vehicle Crashes directly caused BY the impaired driver, and subsequent other crashes that result from the original crash are to be treated as being caused by the impaired driver.
What do you guys think? I am going to borderline harass my reps and state senators, and email and post to their blogs EVERY DUI fatality/serious crash, and try and visit them frequently.