Dear Brothers and Sisters, Need your Help. What do you think the purpose of the Ten commandments are? Im learning how to evangelize more effectivally. Thanks for your answers in advance. God Bless. P/s Moderators if you need to move this over somewhere else please do.Thanks.
Hey Spoken!
Good to see you! I think the best way to start evangelizing about the Ten Commandments (the Decaloge) is to start with § 2067 from CCC: " The Ten Commandments state what is required in
the love of God and love of neighbor. the first three concern love of God, and the other seven love of neighbor …".
God gave them out of
LOVE for us, his poor children, who disobeyed Him in the Garden!
Real love has to build on trust. If Adam and Eve had trusted God in the Garden of Eden, they would not have listened to the snake. They would have trusted that God, who is good, had a purpose to, at that moment in history, forbid them to eat of the fruit on that special tree.
God gave the Ten Commandments after He had rescued Israel out of Egypt where they were prisoners (slaves). Since thay have been prisoned so long, they had to learn how to be free.
**Real FREEDOM is senterd in their (our) love for God (the three first commandments) **"THE FIRST COMMANDMENT - I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. … ** , **"THE SECOND COMMANDMENT - You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain … " ** , **"THE THIRD COMMANDMENT - Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy … ". **
After these three, as you know, we have the seven others, were we first are asked **to obey our parents ** who are the creatures of God **wich union ** made it possible for us to be
the fruit of their love. Then we have the six others
to regulate relations between Gods human creatures (remember the first brother, Cain, killed Abel) - between families, friends, neigbours and strangers: -not kill, - not commit adultery, - not steal, - not bear false witness, - not covet your neighbor’s wife, - not desire . . . anything that is your neighbor’s.
The purpose then, was of course to establish in man what was broken, the ability to be in lovable and trustful realtionships to God and eachother. Love, law and order hangs together.
God gave Israel (and us) a chance to get restored after the prison (to be a slave of sin is a prison, too). Jesus said the same when He said: ‘”You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.” 38This is the greatest and first commandment. 39And a second is like it: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” 40On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.’ (NRSV Mat 22:37-40)
The purpose in general today is to protect us from our tendencies to sin and to be able to love. The purpose is **not ** to make life uncomfortable for us. Jesus has by now won over death. But we still need protection and guidance to be able to live in a christian way. We can loose our salvation.
Without education in right and wrong (in a lovable way) we will not be healthy human beeings. Example: “Elderly man beaten up in street. An 80-year-old Teesside man was taken to hospital after being dragged from his bike and attacked by a youth” (BBC- News 7 February, 2005, 07:40 GMT).
If this man dies, the youth has comitted murder! Of course they can regret, ask about Gods forgivnes and be saved, but still they have killed a man!!! It will lay on their shoulders for the rest of their lives.
The ten commandments tells us something about Gods love for us, in the history of salvation (from the Fall to Christ) and in modern time.
Free love exists inside borders!
Hope this can give you some idea about how to evangelize on the Ten Commandments!
G. Grace**