10 Years to Reformation+500

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On October 31, 2007, we will be 10 years away from the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. Yes, that is kind of depressing. 490 years of disunity in the Church, 490 years of the Church being torn in pieces.

I hate to think of all the ‘celebrations’ promoting this event that will be beginning in a matter of years.

I have been thinking of ideas that we should start now to take away from the idea of ‘Reformation+500’ and promote ‘Restoration+500’.

The first idea I have is for a website to promote the fact that Scripture alone does not exist in Scripture.

I am thinking of offering a $5000 reward (Yes, I would put up my own money) for a verse in Scripture that explicitly states that Scripture alone is the sole authority of faith. I would hope that other people would donate money so the sum grow and grow into an amount that would be impossible to ignore.

The purpose of this website is to create doubt in the minds of many protestants about the validity of sola scriptura - “Why hasn’t anyone claimed the $5000-$25000- $100000 cash prize? It is in Scripture, isn’t it?” Create a doubt about that and suddenly there is a crack for the Holy Spirit (and an army of apologists) to get into.

People can argue about peripheral issues but if somehow we can crack the foundation stone, maybe the whole wall will come tumbling down.

I am looking for people’s honest comments and criticisms about this project. Don’t worry… I have thick skin. I appreciate honesty more than kindness. If you are interested in helping out, I would appreciate that as well.

Do you think www.biblealonescripturechallenge.com would get someone’s attention?

I think you could safely make that a 1 million dollar challenge considering the fact that nowhere in scripture can you find anything that explicitly states that Scripture alone is the sole authority of faith.

Please say the following prayer right now to release 1,000 souls from purgatory (Approval and Recommendation signed by M. Cardinal Pahiarca, Lisbon, Portugal March 4, 1936.): Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the Masses said throughout the world today, for all the holy Souls in Purgatory. Amen

Click these icons/links to donate food to the hungry. It’s free.
Click this link: children.care2.com/front.html?p=&iID=
Well it seems about every 500 years something huge happens. 1000 saw the orthodox-latin split, 1500’s saw the reformation…what will this upcoming 500 year period bring? Mass exodus from the english church back to the latin rite? Or maybe the muslims? Another mass heresy? Hmm… I’m hoping for Restoration!

It’s funny, we have no idea how much longer we’ll be around for. The early church thought the next day would be the apocalypse. In 4000 years they might look back on today and call us the early church!

“yah they had this heresy back then that did away with apostolic tradition, fundamentalism” or “rapturism” lol. Who knows how many more heresies are in store for us!

The Church will survive, despite 2000 years of people trying to destroy it. You can’t!

I’m hoping for Restoration!
amen - me too
I strongly dislike (putting it mildly) the fact that it is called the REFORMATION. What exactly about Christianity per se that needed reform? I refuse to celebrate a day in which heretical forms of Christianity are lauded.

Sorry but I am in a really ornery mood today!
I’m not sure that more confrontation will help. We have committed to praying every day for Christian unity. It would be wonderful to have an over all healing of the rift over he next ten years, so that Reformation+500 = UNITY.
Let us all just pray the dying prayer of Pope John XXIII. "Ut Unum Sint"
(That they may be One.)
Deacon Ed B
490 years? Of a religion with all the benifits, none of the responsibility and I can interput the verses for myself? And better yet I can now just plain ignore parts I don’t like? Guaranteed salvation? I never have to admit to any wrong doing? I make money hand over fist without any of the responsibility for those annoying widows and orphans?..Die!??..I’m thinking of converting myself!!..(sarcasm intended) There is a sucker born every minute indeed.
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