took about 45 minutes last night for all catechumens to call their names and the books of elect from the various parishes (which had been signed the previous Sunday) to be presented to the Bishop for his signature. due to weather all stayed inside the Basilica and were presented to Bishop in a group before LOW and the actual call to election. in past years catechumens and sponsors have gone outside to know for admission. some parishes had 20-30 catechumens. about 2/3 the parishes were present, the rest probably because of distance do Rite of Election in the parish.
candidates were presented Wed. evening, but I was not there, as we have no candidates at this time who are ready.
we will baptize 4 adults, 3 youth, 9 children and one baby at Easter, representing 9 families. In these families, in addition to the members received at Easter, we will also celebrate this season 3 marriage convalidations, and 5 adult confirmations, 3 first communions, with the requisite first confessions at the appropriate times as well. ooooh I love my job. amazing Grace.
have had 3 calls this week for new RCIA inquiry session starting for adults in English, 6 in Spanish class for adult Confirmation, and 3 in Spanish RCIA “pipeline” . we have 10 or so children working toward baptism in the Spanish class, and over 25 older children in the English class, so if all are ready, Easter will be huge next year.
It is great and the catechumens are always surprised and moved by seeing the numbers and the welcome by the bishop, and realizing what they are a part of.
however one part of me is disturbed because by far the larger number of catechumens, over 90% are children, most of these are from nominally or culturally Catholic families, and their late baptism and initiation represents a failure of Catholic parents to baptise their infants in a timely manner, or to catechize their own children in the faith. This is sadly because such a majority of families that should be Catholic are actually the products of invalid marriages, or serial cohabitation.
Bishop addressed completing initiation of adult Catholics last year for Lent, and is focusing on return to penance and reconciliation this year, I hope (and have recommended when our advice has been solicited) a similar diocesan wide pastoral effort on marriage next year.