13 Years Ago Today

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New member
Today marks the 13th anniversary of my joining CAF. There were a number of reasons I did so, including my desire to learn about Catholicism and respond to misunderstandings about Lutheranism. Along the way, I have also learned much about my own faith, celebrated our agreements and saddened by our inability to find common ground.

I was going to include a list of those members who have meant so much to me, particularly from those early days, but I did it on another thread.
That said, I wish to say thank you to all of the members of CAF I have communicated with here. It has been a blessing for me, especially in the Non-Catholics forum.

Thank you to everyone involved at CA
Newcomer, eh? (I’ve been around for 14 years) 🙂

Although this is probably the wrong place to say this . . . despite the fact that we’re from different countries, with different outlooks and I don’t involve myself in discussions of American issues/politics, I have to say I’ve often appreciated your ‘political’ posts and coherent positions.
It has been a great pleasure conversing with you over the years Jon. You have made me a better person and a better Catholic. I hope to meet you some day before the day we meet in heaven.

It has been a great pleasure conversing with you over the years Jon. You have made me a better person and a better Catholic. I hope to meet you some day before the day we meet in heaven.

I, too, have been blessed by our conversations.
His peace be with you.

God bless you!
My dad was Lutheran, and most of my dad’s family has converted to Catholicism, so, still a few Lutherans left.
Having said that, it’s a lot easier for me to find common ground with a Lutheran, than say, a JW.
Lutheran here as well I’m going to really miss these forums even though I don’t post much.
God speed, all!
God bless you!
My dad was Lutheran, and most of my dad’s family has converted to Catholicism, so, still a few Lutherans left.
Having said that, it’s a lot easier for me to find common ground with a Lutheran, than say, a JW.
I don’t even need to go as far as JW’s. I feel I have more in common with Catholicism than much of the reformed and American evangelical parts of Christianity.

That said, thank you for your kind words.
I’ve enjoyed our time together here Jon. Maybe we’ll meet up again on another forum down the road. I hope so. God bless.
I’ve enjoyed our time together here Jon. Maybe we’ll meet up again on another forum down the road. I hope so. God bless.
Me, too. I’ve always enjoyed your defense of your beliefs, and have admired your responses to my jabs at Calvinism / Reformed theology with grace and good humor.

His peace.
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Jon, it’s been a pleasure over the years to read your posts. Some of the more knowledgeable and well thought out that I’ve read here on CAF. Your posts defending the Constitution, and particularly the Second Amendment were classic. Thanks JonNC!
I enjoyed our interactions of once upon a time.

I am glad that I received a message from someone about the forum being dissolved so I could say goodbye to people like you.

Best wishes to you, @JonNC
I enjoyed our interactions of once upon a time.

I am glad that I received a message from someone about the forum being dissolved so I could say goodbye to people like you.

Best wishes to you, @JonNC
I am d as I happy you stopped in. I have missed your (name removed by moderator)ut and knowledge, your strength of faith snd charity.

His peace.
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