17 year old called to the priesthood?

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Hello I would like to begin firstly with my story.
I’ve been Catholic for 5 years. I was baptized/confirmed at my home parish. In 2013, my home parish was closed and merged with a neighboring parish. I attend a Catholic school in philadelphia and have been raised within the Catholic faith since birth. Many, many, many people have commented that I am a future priest. My school minster tells me all the time, my friends have told me that I would be a good one, although tease me about it. Even a deacon, who I met once told me just on one meeting, “You have a special presence about you, God Bless.”

I was in a brief relationship from October to December with a girl, during that time, I kinda felt like I was betraying God. I was obviously happy with “relationship jitters” but one day, as I was walking to school, I prayed to God about being a priest and that I felt that I was losing focus on him through this relationship. I believe I ended the prayer by saying a simple “Amen”

At that moment, I just happened to look up and something bright went across the sky and right then and there, I knew it was a sign from God. I did the same prayer the next day and something again shot across the sky.

The other day was vocations day at my school. We had an assembly listening to a sister and I just filled so blessed hearing that sister speak. I just get a since of awe with this and I just don’t know if this is really his will.

Any comments or advice?
Hello Chris,

I first began to feel called to the priesthood at 17 too.

Some great advice would be to focus on how you are living your faith.

What I do is I try to make time everyday for prayer and reading the Bible and the Catechism.
A great way to continue your discernment is to be an altar server. Since as a priest (if God wills you to be) you will be celebrating Mass. A great way to take part in it at your age would be to altar serve.

Since I’m discerning a vocation to the Jesuits, a great phrase to know is Ad majorem Dei gloriam which in Latin means for the greater glory of God. Whatever actions you make try to make all them for God’s glory.

Finally talk to some priests get to know them. They will help you further understand your possible vocation.

Then when you feel ready begin the application process to enter seminary.

Your Brother in Christ

Hello I would like to begin firstly with my story.
I’ve been Catholic for 5 years. I was baptized/confirmed at my home parish. In 2013, my home parish was closed and merged with a neighboring parish. I attend a Catholic school in philadelphia and have been raised within the Catholic faith since birth. Many, many, many people have commented that I am a future priest. My school minster tells me all the time, my friends have told me that I would be a good one, although tease me about it. Even a deacon, who I met once told me just on one meeting, “You have a special presence about you, God Bless.”

I was in a brief relationship from October to December with a girl, during that time, I kinda felt like I was betraying God. I was obviously happy with “relationship jitters” but one day, as I was walking to school, I prayed to God about being a priest and that I felt that I was losing focus on him through this relationship. I believe I ended the prayer by saying a simple “Amen”

At that moment, I just happened to look up and something bright went across the sky and right then and there, I knew it was a sign from God. I did the same prayer the next day and something again shot across the sky.

The other day was vocations day at my school. We had an assembly listening to a sister and I just filled so blessed hearing that sister speak. I just get a since of awe with this and I just don’t know if this is really his will.

Any comments or advice?
I would say these signs are impactful, but discerning a vocation requires guided spiritual direction.

I would meet with a priest if you have not already to discuss this further.
I’m fifteen and am going through a similar story with becoming a nun.

Same boat, buddy:)

All the answers are in the future, so wait and they will come to you. I hope.
Get a spiritual director and start working on building virtues, especially in chastity.

I would also suggest signing up for a weekly holy hour if you don’t already have one with our Lord.

I’ll make sure to remember you during my holy hour if you remember me during yours 🙂

-A fellow 17 year old discerning the priesthood.
Hello Chris,

My name is Lucas. I am 23 and, until recently, I did not believe in Jesus or God. However, I understand your situation, for I too have felt the presence and heard the calling from God.

I was walking in a forest a few months ago when, for the first time, I felt the desire to pray to God. I prayed for forgiveness that I have not welcomed Him into my life, and I prayed for advice. I said “Amen” and felt His presence touch me, welcoming me and informing me that I am welcome.

The next day I knelt at the foot of my bed and said the same prayer, asking Him for direction. I saw a bright light over me and felt that He was willing me to become both a Catholic and a priest.
Really good to read all these stories how God is working in young men’s lives I just recommend you all look into getting a Spiritual Director - he will help you on your discernment journey and help you recognise where God is leading you.

I have one helping me discern religious life and it’s very helpful! 🙂
Thank you Blue_Rose.

Since He has answered my prayers I feel welcome to the faith. I am surprised that He should call to me at this time, but I know that as a servant of God I will do whatever He has chosen me to do. To embrace Catholicism and become a priest is a long path, but I have chosen to follow God’s will, and I am currently seeking a Spiritual Director who can guide me.
I’m a religious priest who has helped several teenagers discerning a priestly vocation. (I was only ordained recently but I include the ministry I did as a religious brother preparing for ordination.)
Here’s a few things you need to do:
  • Find a spiritual director
  • Meet with your diocesan vocation director or someone involved in that ministry with a religious community
  • Visit the seminary or novitiate (1st stage for religious)
  • Develop a deep prayer life (specific prayers depend on each one)
    If you’re 17 that means that you can enter in 1 year. That’s a good time to prepare. If you prepare, you’ll get more out of your 1st weeks and months in the seminary.
    If you want help, DM me.
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