Hello I would like to begin firstly with my story.
I’ve been Catholic for 5 years. I was baptized/confirmed at my home parish. In 2013, my home parish was closed and merged with a neighboring parish. I attend a Catholic school in philadelphia and have been raised within the Catholic faith since birth. Many, many, many people have commented that I am a future priest. My school minster tells me all the time, my friends have told me that I would be a good one, although tease me about it. Even a deacon, who I met once told me just on one meeting, “You have a special presence about you, God Bless.”
I was in a brief relationship from October to December with a girl, during that time, I kinda felt like I was betraying God. I was obviously happy with “relationship jitters” but one day, as I was walking to school, I prayed to God about being a priest and that I felt that I was losing focus on him through this relationship. I believe I ended the prayer by saying a simple “Amen”
At that moment, I just happened to look up and something bright went across the sky and right then and there, I knew it was a sign from God. I did the same prayer the next day and something again shot across the sky.
The other day was vocations day at my school. We had an assembly listening to a sister and I just filled so blessed hearing that sister speak. I just get a since of awe with this and I just don’t know if this is really his will.
Any comments or advice?
I’ve been Catholic for 5 years. I was baptized/confirmed at my home parish. In 2013, my home parish was closed and merged with a neighboring parish. I attend a Catholic school in philadelphia and have been raised within the Catholic faith since birth. Many, many, many people have commented that I am a future priest. My school minster tells me all the time, my friends have told me that I would be a good one, although tease me about it. Even a deacon, who I met once told me just on one meeting, “You have a special presence about you, God Bless.”
I was in a brief relationship from October to December with a girl, during that time, I kinda felt like I was betraying God. I was obviously happy with “relationship jitters” but one day, as I was walking to school, I prayed to God about being a priest and that I felt that I was losing focus on him through this relationship. I believe I ended the prayer by saying a simple “Amen”
At that moment, I just happened to look up and something bright went across the sky and right then and there, I knew it was a sign from God. I did the same prayer the next day and something again shot across the sky.
The other day was vocations day at my school. We had an assembly listening to a sister and I just filled so blessed hearing that sister speak. I just get a since of awe with this and I just don’t know if this is really his will.
Any comments or advice?