[18+] Questions about porn / masturbation

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i wanna ask, which one is actually bad: porn or masturbation…? or both of them is bad?

and i’m not asking from Catholic POV, coz it’s definitely bad.

but i’m asking more from health point of view

provide links / references, if it’s possible
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Both of them.

Reading pornography, and masturbation, are both mortal sins against the Sixth Commandment.

Quite aside from the spiritual aspects, they are harmful in the following ways:
  • They impair one’s ability to relate normally to one’s spouse in the licit acts appropriate to matrimony.
  • Pornography objectifies the person depicted in it.
  • Reading porn is degrading to the person who reads it.
  • They can impair normal sexual function.
  • They diminish one’s powers of self-discipline.
  • They drag down one’s imagination into the gutter.
  • Porn makes it more difficult to appreciate the beauty and virtue of an “average” woman (or man, as the case may be), by prompting one to compare such people to idealized figures.
  • They can lead to more and more stimulus being needed for gratification, which can descend into various forms of perversion.
  • They distract you from your other duties in life.
  • Think: is it something you would be proud for other people to know about you?
These are just a few things that are harmful.

For a complete and fully orthodox understanding of sexual sin, read this:

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ok, those are the explanations of why porn is bad… what about masturbation? what kinda bad things of masturbation from health point of view?
ok, those are the explanations of why porn is bad… what about masturbation? what kinda bad things of masturbation from health point of view?
  • They impair one’s ability to relate normally to one’s spouse in the licit acts appropriate to matrimony.
  • They can lead to more and more stimulus being needed for gratification, which can descend into various forms of perversion.
In short, it can lead to sexual dysfunction on both a psychological and a physical level. And everything in my original list has a psychological component.

Nature does not intend for gratification to take place in this manner. There is also the question of endorphins and other hormones and chemicals that get released into one’s body as a result of sexual stimulation of this kind. It can become addictive both psychologically and physically. Some also report a certain feeling of desolation and loneliness, in that the body is “hardwired” to want a partner… but there’s no partner there, only oneself. I have to think this could lead to depression, or worsen depression if it’s already there.

Religion aside, it is not a healthy practice.
And one more thing that is very helpful:

When it is a man who has this issue, if he will just calm down and stop doing it, within a couple of weeks or so, he will begin having nocturnal omissions, which, if not consented to, are no sin, and his system will begin voiding the semen in this fashion. It involves a “reset” of breaking with pornography completely and practicing total abstinence from the practice, going “cold turkey” as the saying goes. Some men will have a more difficult time of this than others.

It’s been refreshing in recent years to see that even the secular world is catching on to the harmfulness of porn and self-pleasure, and there are resources online to assist with this, such as this site:

Despite the legendary Seinfeld “contest” episode, resorting to daily self-gratification is not an inevitable part of being a male of a certain age.

And of course there are prayer, penance, and the sacraments, but to be advised against here, is panic and obsession with it, perhaps easier said than done, but when temptations manifest themselves, just calmly turn your attention to something totally unrelated to sex, pleasure, and normal attractions.

There is also a movement with a somewhat crude name, related to November, in which men resolve to give this up for the entire month. If you can give it up for a month, you can give it up for good.
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