20 Divine Promises

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Anyone heard of the 20 Divine Promises that Jesus gave to St. Brigit, I believe it was? I have the booklet in spanish but would like to find one in english, they are very beautiful prayers. Any help would be appreciated.
A ruling has been passed which bans the publishing of the “promises” to St. Brigid. See this site:


That’s a 14th century St. Brigid. There’s another St. Brigid who was Irish and lived in the 5th/6th centuries. But she didn’t receive any “promises”.

The ban only attaches to the promises, which were often printed alongside the prayers of Brigid. The actual prayers have not been condemned.

Here are the 15 prayers:


It’s up to you whether you trust in her private revelation that Jesus received 5,480 wounds. Either way, the prayers are good.
I just found this. Here are the promises:


Don’t trust in them. They have been condemned.

Reciting the prayers, in faith, in spirit, in truth, from the depths of heart and mind, would be a good thing. Even if the attached promises aren’t so stunning.

The promise saying that if I intend to recite the prayers and have been living in mortal sin for 30 years the Lord will forgive all my sins is the most worrying. It completely removes any need for the sacrament of penance/reconciliation.
One thing that is weird is promise 19:
“19) He is assured of being joined to the supreme Choir of Angels.”

I thought that humans can’t become angels so what does this mean? the promises which asteroid mentioned is one of the things that baffles me. :confused:
Don’t trust in them. They have been condemned.

Reciting the prayers, in faith, in spirit, in truth, from the depths of heart and mind, would be a good thing. Even if the attached promises aren’t so stunning.
Well, if the promises are condemned and the prayers came from the same source as the promises, that puts the prayers into question as well. :rolleyes:


I did these prayers for a full year back in the late 1990’s. Came across a prayer book in a Catholic bookstore called “The Pieta Prayer Booklet”. Saw the prayers and the promises and said them for a full year as the instructions said.
The Pieta prayer book? i also have them.
i think they should publish an updated edition of this work without the promises. 🙂
Yeah but if the promises are false and the claim is that the prayers and the promises came from the same source, that puts the prayers into question as well.

Too bad. I gave copies of that book to EVERYBODY in my family a few years ago.
can anyone confirm if this is a latin version of the 15 prayers? :confused:
  1. O Ihesu mundi fabricator quem nulla dimencio vero in termino meretur qui terram palma concludis. Recordare amarissimi doloris quos sustinebas cum suavissimas manus tuas ad crucem iudei obtusis clavis primo affixerunt ad perforandum delicatissimos pedes tuos cum non esses conveniens voluntati eorum, dolorem super dolorem vulneribus tuis addiderunt et ita crudeliter te distraxerunt et extenderunt in longum et latum crucis tue quod dissolverentur compagines membrorum tuorum. Deprecor te per huius sacratissimi et amarissimi in cruce doloris memoriam ut des michi timorem et amorem tuum. Amen. Pater noster. Ave maria.
To anyone who knows latin, please help.
i found this once in a book of hours. if this is one of the 15 prayers, as i can remember, the transcript of the book of hours doesn’t include promises or whatsoever. so the promises maybe just a recent invention.
The prayers have not been condemned at all.

Like all saints who received private revelation she could make mistakes. And so the validity of the promises is in much doubt.

The prayers themselves are pious and quite wonderful and as a prayer and meditation on the sufferings of Christ are superb.

So keep on praying the prayers and telling people about them, just don’t trust that praying them or intending to pray them will give freedom from 30 years of mortal sin without the need for the sacrament.
Any chance the alleged promises were attached by someone other than St. Bridgit to the prayers?
Sir Knight:
Yeah but if the promises are false and the claim is that the prayers and the promises came from the same source, that puts the prayers into question as well.

Too bad. I gave copies of that book to EVERYBODY in my family a few years ago.
Why don’t just tell them the promises are fake and tell them to just ignore those?
Any chance the alleged promises were attached by someone other than St. Bridgit to the prayers?
That sounds quite likely to me.
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