200,000,000 abortions?

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Have more than 200,000,000 Americans been killed by abortion in our nation’s history?

Read this excerpt from an article by Fr. Al Lauer:

“There are well over 12 million pregnancies per year in the USA. The actual number of pregnancies may be 3-5 million higher. However, we cannot obtain exact figures, primarily because of early abortions resulting from use of “the pill,” Norplant, Depo-Provera, the IUD, and other abortifacient “contraceptives.” But it is safe to say that over 12 million pregnancies occur per year in the USA. Three million of these pregnancies result in normal birth. One and one-half million are surgically aborted. This means that at least 7½ million babies are chemically aborted annually in the USA, depending on how many pregnancies and miscarriages there actually are. Thus, three out of four (or possibly four out of five) babies are killed by their parents through abortion each year in the USA alone. In the over twenty years of legalized abortion in the USA, there are at least 200 million new “Holy Innocents” (see Mt 2:16), children who have been killed by abortion. Moreover, there are many more “Holy Innocents” in the world. Some countries perform even more abortions than the USA.”

(the rest of the article can be found here: presentationministries.com/brochures/HopeHealing.asp)

Is 200,000,000 a reasonable estimate? Even if this figure is wrong, the point is that there have been far more than 45,000,000 abortions in America’s history because of the pill and other forms of birth control.

Christians must know the truth about about the deadliness of birth control, and that is why I’m giving up 2 months of my summer to tell them this truth, with a group called Crusade for Life (www.crusadeforlife2005.com). All of the 40+ different types of contraceptive pills function both to prevent conception AND to procure abortion by causing the tiny baby to die. These chemical abortions go unrecorded. Here is an excellent link to articles about this: all.org/brthcnt.htm

To conclude: we must double our prayers for the end of the holocaust. Go to Mass today and offer your communion for the end of abortion; Jesus in the Eucharist is the KEY to ending abortion!
That’s a point I keep telling people. With abortafacients etc the numbers are enormous. May God have mercy on us.
These numbers sound a little nuts to me. If you add the numbers given here, there is nothing that accounts for natural miscarriages. I have read statistics that as many as 20% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage, and that is not the mother’s fault. I also think it is hard to prove that so many abortions are caused by the pill. I heard of a case recently where a child was born because the mother was on the pill and also on antibiotics. Apparently, the antibiotics reduced the effectiveness of the pill, and obviously, that child wasn’t aborted! Many women who practice NFP have obvious physical signs that they are ovulating. This includes sharp pain, discharge, differences in body temperature, etc. If you were on the pill and you ovulated, I think it would be really obvious. I am curious whether any women who have taken the pill for medical reasons ever thought they were ovulating. I do have trouble believing that women on the pill are aborting children left and right - where is the proof that this actually happens? If 20% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage, then it seems like 20% of all pregnancies conceived while on the pill would also end in miscarriage.
worldwide, I would put the total over 1,000,000,000 and it may be much higher.
These numbers sound a little nuts to me. If you add the numbers given here, there is nothing that accounts for natural miscarriages. I have read statistics that as many as 20% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage, and that is not the mother’s fault. I also think it is hard to prove that so many abortions are caused by the pill. I heard of a case recently where a child was born because the mother was on the pill and also on antibiotics. Apparently, the antibiotics reduced the effectiveness of the pill, and obviously, that child wasn’t aborted! Many women who practice NFP have obvious physical signs that they are ovulating. This includes sharp pain, discharge, differences in body temperature, etc. If you were on the pill and you ovulated, I think it would be really obvious. I am curious whether any women who have taken the pill for medical reasons ever thought they were ovulating. I do have trouble believing that women on the pill are aborting children left and right - where is the proof that this actually happens? If 20% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage, then it seems like 20% of all pregnancies conceived while on the pill would also end in miscarriage.
That’s the same kind of rationalization for euthanasia. “Well, they’re dying anyway.” Women who ‘overovulate’ as you put it would not notice one little fertilized egg cell. It is expelled with the rest of the monthly menstruation. The original poster is right. I don’t know about the 200 million figure, but the abortion numbers are SURELY well over 45 million and would almost certainly be in the 50 million to 100 million range.
Not to mention, some abortions kill more then one child.
I have heard somewhere (can’t remember where) that the total figure is 1,500,000,000 (one and a half billion) since 1945.
No one talks about the underlying problems of Abortion and birth control when the underlying problem is poverty…

How is a person supposed to raise a child with a McJOb. The Catholic church is out of touch with the Catholic that is making $500, $6000 or $12,000 a year at the grocery store. A weeks worth of groceries cost $100 which is about what the clerk makes…

Pope JOhn Paul Canonized an Industiral saint, based on her doctoreral work of industy and capitilism.

People can barely afford to survive let alone eat, buy cloths, pay rent and buy food.

SO the only answer is celabacy. Your not allowed to raise a family, or love and be happy. The rich grow richer and the poor grow poorer. Nothing but tools of society. Those people didnt abort those babies. The world did.
No one talks about the underlying problems of Abortion and birth control when the underlying problem is poverty…

How is a person supposed to raise a child with a McJOb. The Catholic church is out of touch with the Catholic that is making $500, $6000 or $12,000 a year at the grocery store. A weeks worth of groceries cost $100 which is about what the clerk makes…

Pope JOhn Paul Canonized an Industiral saint, based on her doctoreral work of industy and capitilism.

People can barely afford to survive let alone eat, buy cloths, pay rent and buy food.

SO the only answer is celabacy. Your not allowed to raise a family, or love and be happy. The rich grow richer and the poor grow poorer. Nothing but tools of society. Those people didnt abort those babies. The world did.
Nobody, here doesn’t understand the poverty problem. But to say that society has aborted them is a total cop out.I have 5 children and we live week to week and it is only by the grace of God that we are not homeless.My pro-life commitee got me this computer so we do more to fight for life.That being said it is quite an insult, to hear someone almost say out right that it is better to be aborted than to be poor.Please, think about that. In fact, my boys, seem to be more charitable, understanding,and empathetic than most their age.Maybe being poor is a blessing for some of us.God Bless
Nate, this walk is over the entire summer?

I’m interested in doing this but I don’t know if I’ll be asked to start work over the summer, or if I’ll be moving somewhere (assuming I find a job :mad: )

Do you know of any other oppurtunities that aren’t so long?
No one talks about the underlying problems of Abortion and birth control when the underlying problem is poverty…

How is a person supposed to raise a child with a McJOb. The Catholic church is out of touch with the Catholic that is making $500, $6000 or $12,000 a year at the grocery store. A weeks worth of groceries cost $100 which is about what the clerk makes…

Pope JOhn Paul Canonized an Industiral saint, based on her doctoreral work of industy and capitilism.

People can barely afford to survive let alone eat, buy cloths, pay rent and buy food.

SO the only answer is celabacy. Your not allowed to raise a family, or love and be happy. The rich grow richer and the poor grow poorer. Nothing but tools of society. Those people didnt abort those babies. The world did.

That’s utter nonsense. First of all, the pope doesn’t just pick out saints based on his political agenda. Saints are in heaven, thoroughly prove themselves to be, and a pope couldn’t canonize someone who wasn’t there. Poverty would be far worse if not for the efforts of THIS pope and the Catholic Church.

You’re probably a democrat, and that’s fine. Get on your legislators and call on them to support life issues and they’ll be a political force again someday. But it’s not fair, and quite alogical, to try and blame the pope and the Catholic Church for poverty.
and I would say your probabvly a wealthy Republican. I am a democrat and the last election I voted for the Constitutional party because the church raved I could not vote for Kerry. That is very judgmentle. I did not vote for Kerry because he was a member of the Skull and Bones as Is Bush but you already know for this reason the Politics section is closed. Bush has dumped tons of Depleted Euranium on 3rd world countris. God Bless Bush hes a saint.

and are you ready for this. This canonized saint who was poor and protested the economic system, she had an abortion. I have not had any abortions but I could see how a person would resort to one and even birth control.

I live every day in celibate and in poverty. My nieghborhood is full of drugs and crime. I cant afford to move. The Priest that Baptized me moved to Conneticott and the other priests passed away. The diocese of Baltimore has stated to wish to closed 21 parishs. People in My nieghborhood have bastard children so they can go on welfare. SO my question to you is what are they contributing to the world?

The government in the past has funded abortion and the system has grown aborting babies to a science. Big corporations is jumping on the bandwagon funding it with subsidies for Fetal stem cell research, youth products and shampoo. Dont kid yourself by not beliving that the world supports this horrific act.
and I would say your probabvly a wealthy Republican.
I’m far from wealthy. I have no assets. I own no land. I own no stocks. I’m not a Republican, either. I just find myself voting for them since they usually take the moral high ground.
I voted for the Constitutional party because the church raved I could not vote for Kerry. That is very judgmentle.
No it’s not. Kerry is defiantly amoral on life issues.
Bush has dumped tons of Depleted Euranium on 3rd world countris. God Bless Bush hes a saint.
hmmmmmm… sounds like you put too much credence into propoganda and pundits like Michael Moore. As liberal as the media is, that would be all that’s in the news if that were true. And Bush isn’t a saint. He’s still alive.
and are you ready for this. This canonized saint who was poor and protested the economic system, she had an abortion. I have not had any abortions but I could see how a person would resort to one and even birth control.
St. Paul was a murderer and persecutor of Christians. It’s not how you live, it’s whether or not you’re in a perfected state of grace when you die. You should not be so condoning of birth control and abortion. Sure, people who do such things can get to heaven, but it makes their journey all the more treacherous. Plus, it kills innocent life. And birth control prevents God from creating. It’s human pride placing their own will above that of God. Careful you don’t lead others to sin through your “tolerance.” Tolerance of sin is intolerance of soul.
I live every day in celibate and in poverty. My nieghborhood is full of drugs and crime. I cant afford to move. The Priest that Baptized me moved to Conneticott and the other priests passed away. The diocese of Baltimore has stated to wish to closed 21 parishs. People in My nieghborhood have bastard children so they can go on welfare. SO my question to you is what are they contributing to the world?
I don’t understand the point you are trying to make. Are you saying they have no intrinsic value? Do you believe they should be killed? Everyone is created to make contributions to the world. It’s all part of the divine plan. And poverty only exists because of human sin.
The government in the past has funded abortion and the system has grown aborting babies to a science. Big corporations is jumping on the bandwagon funding it with subsidies for Fetal stem cell research, youth products and shampoo. Dont kid yourself by not beliving that the world supports this horrific act.
I have no love for big corporations. Nor do I support fetal stem-cell research…quite the contrary. I don’t know which is more evil, abortion or human farming.
and I would say your probabvly a wealthy Republican. I am a democrat and the last election I voted for the Constitutional party because the church raved I could not vote for Kerry. That is very judgmentle. I did not vote for Kerry because he was a member of the Skull and Bones as Is Bush but you already know for this reason the Politics section is closed. Bush has dumped tons of Depleted Euranium on 3rd world countris. God Bless Bush hes a saint.

and are you ready for this. This canonized saint who was poor and protested the economic system, she had an abortion. I have not had any abortions but I could see how a person would resort to one and even birth control.

I live every day in celibate and in poverty. My nieghborhood is full of drugs and crime. I cant afford to move. The Priest that Baptized me moved to Conneticott and the other priests passed away. The diocese of Baltimore has stated to wish to closed 21 parishs. People in My nieghborhood have bastard children so they can go on welfare. SO my question to you is what are they contributing to the world?

The government in the past has funded abortion and the system has grown aborting babies to a science. Big corporations is jumping on the bandwagon funding it with subsidies for Fetal stem cell research, youth products and shampoo. Dont kid yourself by not beliving that the world supports this horrific act.
My neighborhood is the same with all the descriptions, exept for one. These, bastards, as you put it have a Father in Heaven, that could do with them. what the world would think impossible. How many times have you prayed for them and believed that God hears you?By what authority do you have to deem their lives worthless?Have you ever seen an abortion? If you have then how could you even contimplate for a minute, that it would be a step up from poverty?I would seriously pray about this.The Santaria Priestess, who is the director at one of the abortion mills that we pray at holds the same views. As a Christian, ask yourself how you and one who consorts with demons can come to the same conclusion.I hope your just having a bad day and don’t really mean it.God Bless
I would not condone Abortion but I would not condem a person that had an abortion or used birth control. I am not God.

Abortion will only end when we reveal it for what it is. An end to a means.
No one talks about the underlying problems of Abortion and birth control when the underlying problem is poverty…

How is a person supposed to raise a child with a McJOb. The Catholic church is out of touch with the Catholic that is making $500, $6000 or $12,000 a year at the grocery store. A weeks worth of groceries cost $100 which is about what the clerk makes…

Pope JOhn Paul Canonized an Industiral saint, based on her doctoreral work of industy and capitilism.

People can barely afford to survive let alone eat, buy cloths, pay rent and buy food.

SO the only answer is celabacy. Your not allowed to raise a family, or love and be happy. The rich grow richer and the poor grow poorer. Nothing but tools of society. Those people didnt abort those babies. The world did.
What are you saying? Are you saying that the Catholic Church should approve of abortion and contraception?

Abortion is murder of an innocent baby no matter what the situation is. It is always wrong and can never be justified.
I would not condone Abortion but I would not condem a person that had an abortion or used birth control. I am not God.

Abortion will only end when we reveal it for what it is. An end to a means.
Abortion has been revealed for what it is, murder. It is nothing else.
I would not condone Abortion but I would not condem a person that had an abortion or used birth control.
I don’t condemn people either, nor does the Church. That’s something for God to do. But God did give the church the power to condemn sins. (remember the whole bind and loose thing?) Condemning the sin is different from condemning the sinner. You believe that you are being tolerant in not condemning the sin of abortion. But I reiterate, tolerance of sin is intolerance of soul.
I am not God.

Sweet! Thanks for clarifying. I was worried for a second.:dancing:
Abortion will only end when we reveal it for what it is. An end to a means.
That’s very utilitarianistic, and it reeks of reductionism. Abortions are neither ends nor means, they are murdered infants.
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