My sister doesn’t, because her husband is a Presbyterian. He insisted that if they attended Mass on Sunday they’d also have to attend his service, because St Paul said the husband is the head of the wife. It got to be too much to handle with young children. They’ve gone only to the Presbyterian service for years. My nephew didn’t even know he was baptized Catholic until he was about 14 years old. His sisters were baptized Presbyterian.
My brother and his wife dropped out, also. I’m not entirely sure why, but I think he lost faith after a few personal trials he and his wife went thru.
All my cousins basically dropped out years ago.
In my wife’s family; her sister converted to Judaism, her aunt got divorced from a creep and then married a Presbyterian who also had been divorced, and the Church doesn’t give any realistic options for her to remain practicing.
All of my wife’s cousins either grew up in other churches or grew up with no religion whatsoever (their mother also married a divorced man, and basically said to the Church, ‘You don’t want me? Fine. I don’t want you.’).
So, it’s sad. From my perspective it’s sad because we lose an identity as a family. As for their eternal salvation, that’s their business and not mine.