30% at Angelus Press, any recommendations?

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Hello all!

Angelus Press currently has a 30% discount running.

Any recommendations on what to purchase from them?

May the peace and love of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
The Douay-Rheims Bible, the Divine Office, Roman Catholic Daily Missal, The Little Story of My Long Life, Mother of God (it’s out of stock but it’s really good), the Integrity series… Good night!
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Nice. Be careful with them; they’re an apostolate or the SSPX. So, while they certainly have some good stuff, they have some iffy stuff as well.

If you’re into the Tridentine Mass, I they have a very good ‘62 Daily Missal.
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Yes… I’m aware of their relationship with the SSPX.

I did just order the Angelus Press Daily Missal from Amazon, and then found this, so I will be returning the Amazon order and instead purchase it through them with the discount.

I was curious about a book they have titled something along the lines of: Layman’s Guide to Vatican II, but it seems to be very one-sided if you know what I mean.
Apologies, I did what I always do: confuse Angelico and Angelus presses. Lol 🥴
I saw that sale. Thinking of ordering their missal. I hear it is very good. I have the Baronius press but it apparently doesn’t have as much included and my Baronius press unfortunately is missing about 40 pages.

Also, considering the book, The Last Mass of Saint Padre Pio.

I also have their book Divine Office, which is good for those just beginning to pray the Hours.
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Heads up, Angelus Press has released a limited amount of the leather Missals which are hard to come by… snatch one if you can.

I currently pray the Liturgy of the Hours (4 volumes) in English, and would love to start praying it in Latin. The only issue is that I pray all 7 hours, and that $50 Divine Office Angelus Press sells only has 3 Hours iirc. I’ve been saving up for a full set of a Latin-English Breviarum Romanum.
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