365 Days (365 Dni) movie on Netflix

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The movie 365 Days (365 Dni is the Polish title) was recently released on Netflix. After a recommendation from a friend, I decided to sit down and watch the movie and was absolutely APPALLED. This “movie” is DISGUSTING, I am frankly SHOCKED that it is trending in so many countries.

Seasoned parents–how do we prevent our children from consuming what can only be referred to as pure SIN? I would also be willing to suggest boycotting the movie in its entirety, but I know that takes a village. Any thoughts and/or words of wisdom? Prayers all around!
Hmmmm this is a sticky situation to be in…

I still remember when 50 Shades of Grey came out and my teenage daughter had several questions about it. I had to sit her down and tell her about some of the “unholy” ways people attempt to express their sexuality.

I think knowledge is the best way to combat such sinful minds and ways. And hopefully, they will learn through the grace of God to live in a pure and holy lifestyle 🙂
Haven’t seen the movie, but if it’s on Netflix, you can keep your children from watching it by not having Netflix in your home. Be aware that one day your children will get old enough to seek out their own media choices and then they may very well go watch everything you wouldn’t let them watch when they were in your home. I know that’s what I did when my parents wouldn’t let me watch something.

A better strategy might be to discuss with your kids what’s wrong with the movie/ why you don’t watch it. That way they will absorb some moral lesson, whether or not they see the film.
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Seasoned parents–how do we prevent our children from consuming what can only be referred to as pure SIN? I would also be willing to suggest boycotting the movie in its entirety, but I know that takes a village. Any thoughts and/or words of wisdom? Prayers all around!
Just don’t watch it and don’t let your kids watch it, I guess. “Boycotting” movies is kind of silly and counterproductive. It just ends up being free publicity for the thing you’re against.
The first time I heard about the Mulan movie was when reddit tried to organize a boycott for it lol.
Just don’t watch it and don’t let your kids watch it, I guess. “Boycotting” movies is kind of silly and counterproductive. It just ends up being free publicity for the thing you’re against.
Exactly. I just looked up this movie, which I had never heard of until the OP made this post about how shocking it was etc, and found it’s a garden variety soft-core porn movie. Yawn.

I’d suggest ignoring it because the more one goes on about how awful it is, the more people will get curious and want to see it. Left to itself, it would probably only draw the viewers who generally like to watch porn. I sincerely doubt there is anything in that movie that hasn’t been already done in dozens of other porn movies.
Haven’t watched the film, and you haven’t provided any information about what it’s about, so I don’t know how “appalling” or “sinful” it is just yet. But other posters have given good advice. Don’t prevent your children from watching it without giving any reason as that would be counterproductive. Rather, sit them down and explain to them calmly and levelly what you think is wrong in the movie and tell them that you don’t want them watching it because X, Y, and Z. Or tell them that they’re free to watch it, as long as they’re aware that X, Y, and Z are wrong and that they’re shouldn’t absorb them.

Banning kids from watching something or doing something without giving a good reason is counterproductive and unreasonable. Often, it ends up backfiring in the parents’ faces. Explaining things to them calmly and maturely usually does the trick.

Off to check the movie out now on Google. My curiousity has been piqued.
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Off to check the movie out now on Google. My curiousity has been piqued.
It’s the 500th remake of “The Sheik” only with explicit sex and on a boat rather than in the desert.

I’ll watch the original with Valentino. Movies are better when they leave a lot to the imagination.
No offense, but surely you should have checked what the film was about/what was in it before you sat down to watch it? I no longer watch films without checking IMDB parent’s guide first. And I’m a grown man. As a Catholic, you can’t be too careful nowadays.
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I just read some of the plot on Wikipedia and I can see why it might be problematic to watch for young children, however, I don’t why it’s so especially “appalling”. Some people might get turned away by the sex, and little children should definitely not be watching it, but I don’t see why a well-formed Catholic adult who is able to control himself or herself and not feel the urge to masturbate or have extra/premarital sex upon seeing something erotic can’t watch this. I myself find these types of movies fun and light and enjoy watching them every once in a while. As long as the sex is not too “in-my-face” or gratuitous, I don’t mind watching movies with sex in them in general. I’m perfectly capable not to fall into sin from a sex scene. Others may not. It’s ultimately the individual’s job to discern whether or not something would cause them to sin and avoid it.
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My biggest problem with it is that it’s a hackneyed plot clearly designed as lust fantasy fodder for women. Like bodice ripper “romance” novels.

It’s hard to take those sorts of movies seriously as an adult, or at least it is for me. Fantasizing about some “Mafioso” who falls in love with you to the point where he sees you once, thinks about you for years, and then is going to start a “Mafia war” over you is the type of thing that I associate with being about 15 years old. (There were real Mafia guys in my town. They were much more prosaic.)
By the time I hit age 20, such a movie would have been MST3K fodder where me and my friends would have sat there making funny non-sequiturs through the whole thing (As we did with many made-for-TV movies). Stuff like that and “50 Shades of Grey” are hard to get het up morally over when they are just so stupid. If you’ve spent any time out in the world or on the Internet, you’ve already seen versions of this stuff described or put on video or written in books or even analyzed in longform articles so many times you wonder just how dumb or lonely some girl has to be to sit through it with a straight face.
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Exactly. I just looked up this movie, which I had never heard of until the OP made this post about how shocking it was etc, and found it’s a garden variety soft-core porn movie. Yawn.
Sorry, off topic, but this was too funny. Yawn.

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