What does the fourth commandment require us to do toward our mothers. .?
For a long time I carried a lot of bad feelings towards my Dad. Then he died. I still carried those feelings.
Then after a few years, I decided to be “big” about it and forgive him. I would do that now and then. But there essentially was no change in my feelings towards him.
One day I was thinking about forgiving him again when I just blurted out, “Please forgive me, Dad!” and burst into tears. I became overwhelmed with thoughts of all the times I had rejected his advances and attempts to show his feeling towards me because I could not forgive him.
After that day, even though he had already been dead almost ten years, my relationship with my Dad became solid again.
Like you with your Mother, my Dad was responsible for giving me life and raising me. For better or worse, he did a good job. But the alternative, non-existance, is unthinkable.
Think back on all the times that you have rejected your Mother’s advances towards you. All those phone calls, at a minimum. Go over there one day, maybe bring some flowers, tell her that you love her (I’d bet that’s been a long time) and ask her forgiveness for your meanness to her.
Your life will never be the same. She’s waiting for you. If you wait much longer it might be too late.