Where to start? I’d suggest “
On the Spirit and the Letter” and “
On Nature and Grace” oh yeah, “
On Grace and Free Will” and also, “
A Treatise on the Predestination of the Saints.”
They all happen to be here:
If you click on one of the titles, and it doesn’t bring up the main text, then just click on the little red page forward link, and it will take you there.
They are primarily works against Pelagians.
Basically, there’s agreement to faith being a gift of God, unmerited favor, but disagreement between Catholics and Calvinists on the specific outworking(s) of predestination.
But don’t take my word for it, consult the Father, Fathers Know Best!!
I’ll say this much, if nothing else, you will be encouraged and strengthened by reading just one of those suggested works. And, you’ll be presented with teachings that will truly challenge your Baptist friend.
I will say also, that the Catholic faith seems to be more “touchy feely” and Calvinists are more into the “unknown decree” of God. Like, Catholics should believe in God’s election and predestination and moving the hearts of men as He wishes, but aren’t apt to talk about it much like a Calvinist would. And, obviously, they should be at disagreement once they actually talk about it much beyond surface level.