50 years ago men just naturally "hit on women" to see how far they could get away with

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50 years ago men just naturally hit on women to see how far they could get!

Unless this was only true in Detroit. Where I was.
Its no surprise . now there is push back.
Most people know this…but
Now its wrong. Then it was a man game

What do you think?
The main issue in society seems to be that people think it is okay to treat others like they are an object to simply be used for a time then move on to someone new. It is very wrong.

Every person is an incredible gift of God and should be given full respect even when it is not easy. No person should ever be used for anything whether it is for entertainment, ridicule, harsh jokes, sexually, etc.

We should instead shine above others and stand up against such wrong doings. Is it easy? No. We might even distance ourselves from some people, but at least people can say that we respect others. I like to imagine that I’m a knight of old defending everything sacred till the end. But that’s just me 🙂
50 years ago men just naturally hit on women to see how far they could get!

Unless this was only true in Detroit. Where I was.
Its no surprise . now there is push back.
Most people know this…but
Now its wrong. Then it was a man game

What do you think?
If you are referring to the proverbial “one night stand” when you say, “to see how far they could get” I offer that your contention “now it;s wrong” is incorrect. It was never right, at least from a traditional Catholic moral standpoint.

From a more secular viewpoint, the relationship between man and woman has evolved somewhat from 50 years ago. Today women are less passive than back then, and their expectations (as a group) has evolved from simply finding a man to “complete” them, to asserting their individuality and their gifts and talents are something to be appreciated. And in that sense women have become more assertive when it comes to her own needs and desires. Many more women define themselves from within than from without.

That said, there will always be those men and women who are interested only in superficial and transient relationships and spend their energies hitting on, (and being hit upon) each other. That will probably never change. One thing about people, beyond the need for air and water, there is no 100% when trying to put people into categories.
What do you think?
I think you’re conflating two different things. Given your post, you must know then that there is a difference between the single guy who flirted with single girls, and the guy who “was going to try” no matter the circumstances.

There’s nothing unacceptable about trying to move things along with a woman. There is of course a right way and a wrong way to do this. Those right and wrong ways have, objectively, never changed. What does change is what our culture, subjectivity, ‘gives a pass’ to, or says ‘that goes to far’.
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I was there. Only punks and juvenile delinquents thought like this. Young ladies were taught how to properly respect themselves and the young men who approached them. If she said no or not interested, it was no big deal. Young men were taught to treat young women with respect and were attracted to admirable qualities and behaviors. When I met a girl I liked, I knew we were both on the same page. It either went further or it didn’t. We were taught to avoid women with low moral standards. It was not a game, it was a series of facts usually passed on by mom and dad, and mom and dad were usually good role models and teachers. After all, they went through it. They got it. They didn’t need anything further. And respect for parents (I’m not referring to abuse) was a lot higher. If mom said, “Young lady. I’m not letting you out of the house dressed like that,” you changed into something a bit more appropriate. The end. Good grooming and dress was taught to young men. You didn’t have to wear fancy clothes but you did look presentable - for everybody. Neat and clean. Although owning a leather jacket was a thing for some guys, I just wore regular jackets. And if her dad said, “I want her home by 10,” you said, “Yes, sir.”

The so-called Women’s Liberation Movement was designed to destroy all this. Now, young people have no clue what dating means, aside from those who came from families who stuck to the faith and high standards and passed them on. I talked to one lady who drank the kool-aid and came back to the Church. I’m not sure why she felt comfortable telling me this but she once believed that because men took advantage of women in the past that women should now take advantage of men regarding sex. It took one abortion at the abortion clinic we were praying in front of to make her realize that what total strangers told her was the wrong way to go. 100% wrong. Later, I was introduced to her daughter who was sweet and happy.

I grew up in Detroit. Back when neighbors knew neighbors and Church teaching was lived out on a daily basis. Going to Church was not just an obligation but part of a relationship with God. White or black, our families were similar as far as upbringing and attitudes.
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There’s nothing unacceptable about trying to move things along with a woman. There is of course a right way and a wrong way to do this. Those right and wrong ways have, objectively, never changed. What does change is what our culture, subjectivity, ‘gives a pass’ to, or says ‘that goes to far’.
Right, flirting is one thing but hands in wrong places and foul language quite another.
“Hitting on women” has not changed from 50 years ago. It happened then and it still happens today.
Sitting at a pro-life table, my favorite brochures to pass out were called “NObility” and "On the “Verge of Virginity.” It is unfortunate that many women have forgotten the art of sexual self-defense. That in no means puts the man who “hits on women” in the right.
The Hollywood studio couch is no secret, nor what the Mad Man TV series portrayed.
The very idea of machismo was pushed to the limit in the 1970’s with the idea of uninhibited sexual relationships.
What also has been forgotten is the need of young boys for positive male role models. Mentoring programs, especially in minority communities, where single parent homes are the rule rather than the exception are growing. Older men are teaching middle age youth how to treat a young woman like a lady. This helps the esteem of both, which also makes it more possible for a woman to resist the man who would “hit on her.”
A favorite program of mine paired rehabilitated felons with youth at risk. The man running the program used the game of chess to teach youth the consequences of actions. There are times when a pawn must be sacrificed to save the queen. A person only has so many days in his life to live. Every move has a consequence.
Yeah, if you read some of the stories of women from 50 years ago, a lot of them didn’t appreciate it then either, they just were more likely to feel like they didn’t have any grounds to firmly tell the man to go away. Especially if they were lower class than the man was or he had some form of power.
Mad Men, aside from the props, was in no way a history of the period. I was there. The people pushing sex with anyone in the late 1960s couldn’t spell machismo. I was there. There were thick magazines sold in falsely labeled “Adult Bookstores,” filled with photos of nude and semi-nude women who were looking for no strings attached sex. Why date? Just do “it.”

Radical feminists were too busy trashing men to a largely trusting female audience that, mostly, did not realize they were being fed poison and lied to. Men - all men - were “male chauvenist pigs” out to use and abuse you. All of you. So, YOU decided to pick a man for sex. YOU decided on a one-night stand, NOT him. That’s all men were good for - sex. Yeah, you could live with one but never marry one. If he got on your nerves, just walk out the door. No divorce required. Get on The Pill. Pick up men when you felt like it. In 1973, if you got pregnant, just get an abortion. It took a while for the poisoning to increase but it kept increasing until today.
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