7 Capital Sins

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An interesting survey showing how the thinking of people changes and what their perceptions of sin are:

THE British public no longer believes that the Seven Deadly Sins have any relevance to their lives and think they should be brought up to date to reflect modern society.

According to a new poll, the original list of cardinal sins - anger, gluttony, sloth, envy, pride, lust and greed - do not have the power they once had.

Instead, a new list of contemporary taboos has been drawn up to capture the essence of modern morality.

Perpetrators of the original sins were believed to suffer eternal damnation - but only greed has survived the ages to still be considered especially bad. The poll, commissioned by the BBC, found that people now believe cruelty - not one of the original seven - is Britain’s worst sin.

Almost four in ten selected cruelty as the worst modern-day sin, followed by adultery, bigotry, dishonesty, hypocrisy, greed and selfishness.

However, there seems little chance that the new list will usurp the original one, which has held sway for more than 1,400 years. It is thought that the Greek theologian, Evagrius of Pontus, first drew up a list of eight wicked human passions, which were then whittled down by the 6th century pope, Gregory the Great, to the seven vices he thought were most at odds with divine love…"

An interesting survey showing how the thinking of people changes and what their perceptions of sin are:

THE British public no longer believes that the Seven Deadly Sins have any relevance to their lives and think they should be brought up to date to reflect modern society.

According to a new poll, the original list of cardinal sins - anger, gluttony, sloth, envy, pride, lust and greed - do not have the power they once had.

Instead, a new list of contemporary taboos has been drawn up to capture the essence of modern morality.

Perpetrators of the original sins were believed to suffer eternal damnation - but only greed has survived the ages to still be considered especially bad. The poll, commissioned by the BBC, found that people now believe cruelty - not one of the original seven - is Britain’s worst sin.

Almost four in ten selected cruelty as the worst modern-day sin, followed by adultery, bigotry, dishonesty, hypocrisy, greed and selfishness.

However, there seems little chance that the new list will usurp the original one, which has held sway for more than 1,400 years. It is thought that the Greek theologian, Evagrius of Pontus, first drew up a list of eight wicked human passions, which were then whittled down by the 6th century pope, Gregory the Great, to the seven vices he thought were most at odds with divine love…"

Haven’t you heard? Pride is now a virtue. So says a lot of bumperstickers, anyway. “Gay pride” comes to mind.

Sloth is a virtue. If you can’t have leizure in your life, you’re not living.

Anger, not so good. But social anger…that’s OK. Death penalty anyone?

Greed, it’s condoned in moderation. Just don’t be Ken Lay.

Envy, well, that’s just being well-adjusted. You want what others have. That’s normal, that’s not wrong.

Gluttony? What’s that? Oooh, can I have extra mayo on my Monster Burger please?

Lust. Now there’s one that’s universally condemned by all. :rolleyes: Nobody condones lust. Nobody. Especially MTV.

I certainly believe that the hedonistic modern culture in which we now live condones at least 5 of these. Anger and greed are debatable. But the other 5 are treated as the behaviors of a normal, well-adjusted human being by the media and the left.

Isa. 5:20
Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil, who change darkness into light, and light into darkness, who change bitter into sweet, and sweet into bitter!
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