7th day Adventist

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Hello. A co-worker (a 7th day Adventist) told me that keeping the Sabbath is more biblical than worshipping on Sunday. He also said that changing to Sunday was done by Constantine to have it “merge” (maybe not the correct word) with the pagan’s day of worship for the sun god. AND (here’s the part I need help with most) that Early Church Fathers made Sunday the official day of worship as a sign of the Church’s authority here on earth.
Cecelia Mary:
Hello. A co-worker (a 7th day Adventist) told me that keeping the Sabbath is more biblical than worshipping on Sunday. He also said that changing to Sunday was done by Constantine to have it “merge” (maybe not the correct word) with the pagan’s day of worship for the sun god. AND (here’s the part I need help with most) that Early Church Fathers made Sunday the official day of worship as a sign of the Church’s authority here on earth.
*Some religious organizations (Seventh-Day Adventists, Seventh-Day Baptists, and certain others) claim that Christians must not worship on Sunday but on Saturday, the Jewish Sabbath. They claim that, at some unnamed time after the apostolic age, the Church “changed” the day of worship from Saturday to Sunday.

However, passages of Scripture such as Acts 20:7, 1 Corinthians 16:2, Colossians 2:16-17, and Revelation 1:10 indicate that, even during New Testament times, the Sabbath is no longer binding and that Christians are to worship on the Lord’s day, Sunday, instead.

The early Church Fathers compared the observance of the Sabbath to the observance of the rite of circumcision, and from that they demonstrated that if the apostles abolished circumcision (Gal. 5:1-6), so also the observance of the Sabbath must have been abolished. The following quotations show that the first Christians understood this principle and gathered for worship on Sunday. *

much more information here:

Just like the jws (who morphed from the sda in the 19th century), they “strain out the gnat and swallow the camel”.
just a quick warning - the SDA’s are a rabidly anti-catholic religion. I would not get into a debate about religion with any one of them, because of the church’s hatred for Catholics. If you decide to continue talking religion with this co-worker, be prepared for some hardcore anti-Catholicism.
Cecelia Mary:
Hello. A co-worker (a 7th day Adventist) told me that keeping the Sabbath is more biblical than worshipping on Sunday. He also said that changing to Sunday was done by Constantine to have it “merge” (maybe not the correct word) with the pagan’s day of worship for the sun god. AND (here’s the part I need help with most) that Early Church Fathers made Sunday the official day of worship as a sign of the Church’s authority here on earth.
Anytime anyone ever tells you that something is “biblical” then you need to ask them:
  1. By what authority do they make any claim that they make?
  2. Exactly where did you get “the bible” from?
  3. How do they know it’s what it claims to be?
The answer to Q1 is they have no authority but the word of God.
Wat makes their interpretation of the word of God superior to yours?

The answer to Q2 is they got it from the Catholic Church - this is history, not speculation.

The answer to Q3 is because the Catholic Church says it’s what it is. So if they want to say they believe it because the book the Catholic Church gave them says it, but they don’t want to acknowledge that the Catholic Church also holds the power to interpret it - fine. But you prefer the whole package.

Jesus said he would build the Church on Peter and that the gates of hell would not overcome it. Matt 16:18 Guess which is the only Church able to trace it’s lineage back to Peter and which has been around since Christ? He gave us the Church to be the “pillar and foundation of truth” 1Tim 2:15. Guess which Church can prove unwavering profession of doctrine throughout that time? The Seventh Day adventists are a blip on the radar screen. read this: catholic.com/library/seventh_day_adventism.asp I mean its almost embarrassing to be face to face with someone who’s heart is into this heresy and has no idea what they are into - the emotion should be one of pure pity mixed with faith that God in his mysterious way will make this work for good. Share what you learn here charitably. Be a light. You may be their only contact with Catholicism. Let them know that you love them and will pray for them.

Christians worshipped on Sunday from Apostolic times. St. Justin Martyr mentions it from around 135 AD. The pagans did NOT worship the Sun on Sunday. It was no different then any other day of the week. Tell your “friend” that since sda’s worship on Saturday them must worship the Roman god Saturn. Sauce for the goose…
These guys are some of the most ignorant of Catholicism. They will say things like the Church burned Bibles to the Pope’s miter has an inscription on it that reades (Vicar of the Son of God) translated to be 666. There is no such thing. No writing nor is the Pope called that. What He is called is “Vicar of Christ” but of course they couldnt use that against us so it wouldn’t be mentioned.
SDA’s are not that bad, I will admit that some are, but I work with a couple of them, and I get along just fine. Like most high spirited Christians, they think they are right, it is up to the members of Jesus’s Church to save them from themselves. The Sabbath is a stricklty Jewish Day, Christans is The Lord’s Day, I have been battling it out on beliefnet with some of the most anti-Catholics I have ever met and some of the things they come up with is down right funny. But I have also made a few friends, the opportunity has been given to teach a wayword soul about the Gospels in the Light of Truth.

As you might have guessed it, I have a page on my web site addressing this.


Christians worshipped on Sunday from Apostolic times. St. Justin Martyr mentions it from around 135 AD.
St Ignatius of Antioch (student of the Apostle John) mentions in one of his epistles (written circa AD 107) that those who were formerly of the Jews now worshipped on the Lord’s Day (i.e.Sunday).
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