8th Grade Spirituality Test

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I think that its a wonderful test other than if being a bit long. This is stuff that we should all know. I must admit that I didn’t know more than about half of it. But this is what should be taught to our Catholic students!
OK, I need help with a couple of them.
  1. Who is the Prince of the Apostles?
  2. Pick one of the Six Precepts of the Church and tell why you think it is especially important.
OK, I need help with a couple of them.
  1. Who is the Prince of the Apostles?
  2. Pick one of the Six Precepts of the Church and tell why you think it is especially important.

Sunday and Holy Day Mass obligation
it is not properly a spirituality test, but a test of knowledge that should have been taught by the time a child completes 8th grade in a Catholic school or CCD program. We give a similar test to our HS confirmation classes as a pre-and post-test. WE are actually testing our teaching, rather than the kids learning, and p(name removed by moderator)oint weaknesses in our program. At least half the kids who come in 9th grade expecting to “earn” confirmation in 2 years no absolutely zip about the faith, are not attending Mass, have not been to confession, or often communion, since 2nd or 3rd grade, and come from families who could care less but have held this out as a threat or promise. Please do not fault the catechists, the textbooks or the quality of the parochial school or CCd program, we can’t teach anything if the kids do not attend, and they won’t attend if the parents do not consider it a priority.
I have some nieces who are homeschooled, and know their religion (as well as other subjects) quite well. When they joined in some sessions with the diocesan confirmation classes in order to receive confirmation with the group, they were astonished at how little their Catholic-schooled compatriots knew about their faith.
Sundays and HolyDays and not doing work on them

Go to confession once a year

Receive the Eucharist during Easter season

Do all required fast and abstinence

Obey the rules concerning marriage

Provide for the Church (like money…)

Not sure, but I think a local bishop conference can add local ones. I’ve seen an occasional seventh one listed about apostolate.
add the 7th precept, join in the Church’s mission to evangelize. can’t teach it if you don’t believe it, can’t believe it if you never learn it.

You wrote,“it is not properly a spirituality test, but a test of knowledge that should have been taught by the time a child completes 8th grade in a Catholic school or CCD program”

You are correct that the test is not PROPERLY a spiritual test. I do not think one could give a “Spirituality Test” on paper.

But remember the author named it S.A.T. to simulate the academic S.A.T. that our H.S. kids just took on Saturday. It was a funny thing.
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