9 Priests as Supreme Court Judges

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Continuing the story of our Mother President, the nun that became the most powerful person in America. While she is president, a horrible terrorist attack kills all the 9 Supreme Court judges. In a bold move, she nominates 9 traditional “tridentine mass types” priests as the new judges for Supreme Court. What happens next?

*Consider they will be approved by the Senate!
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Ok. Fair enough. But for the sake of the story, let’s say for some reason the Senate approves all of them and they became the Supreme Court. How will it go?
Roe v Wade would be reversed at the first oppertunity. It would be ruled that the Equal Protection clause protects unborn babies who have the same rights as every other citizen and can not be killed. The nine justices would then hold a Mass of thanksgiving for the oppertunity they have had to save lives. Or as they are “Tridentine type” priests I suppose they would have to hold three Masses (Priest, Deacon and Sub-deacon times three).
This thread might be better in the media forum given it is a fictional narrative.
she nominates 9 traditional “tridentine mass types” priests as the new judges for Supreme Court
My opinion? Bad idea. Very bad idea. If the US were intended to be a Catholic theocracy, no problem. But it isn’t.
They will take up the case of people suing to end the Theocracy that you’ve created in your fictional story, at which point their consciences will lead them to realize that them serving on the Supreme Court is wrong and that they should resign.
This thread puts flesh on the old Protestant bugbear about a Catholic takeover of the U. S. , and the transformation into a theocracy. What’s next: making it criminal not to attend Mass? Adding a “Department of the Inquisition” to the Cabinet? Suppressing lay newspapers and making the Wanderer the official newspaper of the U.S.? All of this folly is too horrible to contemplate.
Is it so bad? I am not referring about your examples, but a State that promotes and facilitate the Catholic faith and limit the free public expression of other religions seems to me a very charitable one, since Catholicism is the One Truth Fait. Probably more people would go to Heaven without all this hypersexual depraved and pagan culture going around free. This is the principle of Christ the King of Nations. Unrestricted freedom is a Masonic concept, not a Catholic one.
If they get to end abortion and save millions and millions of babies from death would not ease their consciences?
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Even if they end abortion and save millions of babies? It is more important to follow the Canon?
How will it go?
You do realize that, for 1100 years, the Church ran a whole country of its own: the Papal States. And none of those 1100 years could be termed a Golden Age, or even a Silver Age. The best it ever got there is when the reigning pope forgot that they even existed, because when he did remember, it was no party.

And also that we did indeed have clerics that were politically engaged, to the point of being head of state, as was the case of Msgr. Jozef Tiso, president of the Nazi puppet state of Slovakia.

Sorry, but the Church’s record in political involvement does not inspire much confidence in theocracy. It was a wise decision to recognize that limitation and forbid priests from holding public office.

The other thing you take for granted is that the public will acquiesce to theocratic rule. This is exceedingly unlikely. Revolution would be the most likely response.

As a Catholic, I have absolutely no desire to live in a theocracy, Catholic or otherwise. I doubt very many Catholics do.
Even if they end abortion and save millions of babies? It is more important to follow the Canon?
They can’t do anything that nine lay judges couldn’t do. Nine lay judges could end abortion and rule it unconstitutional. Heck, even five lay judges could rule it unconstitutional. A priest’s job is to administer the Sacraments, not take up politics. How do you think it would look to the rest of the United States if these priests told them to follow the law when they themselves refuse to follow the laws of the very institution they hold most dear? What do you imagine that would look like to abortion activists? They’d have a field day with such hypocrisy.
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As Catholics we already have our “ruling monarch”…he is called Jesus Christ…the head of his “government” is the elected leader…“the pope”…along with the “magisterium” is the governing body…as long as we believe what the church teaches us we shall one day enter the heavenly realm…I’ll take that over any form of earthly theocracy
Don’t you think in Papal States there were more percentage of people adhering to Catholic doctrine than now?
Even if they end abortion and save millions of babies?
Even if they made it absolutely proscribed with the penalty of death attached, abortions would still happen. The way to stop abortion completely is to change minds and attitudes, not only laws.
Pretty sure that I would want to move to another country.

Thanks but no thanks.

Christ allows us to make the choice to follow him. He doesn’t throw us in jail if we don’t.
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