My sister recently sent me one of those surveys that asks a bunch of silly questions and also provides the senders answers (my sisters). One of the questions concerned ‘things to do before you die’ and she listed Read the Bible as one of her goals. My sister isn’t Catholic. When we were young, we attended a Pentecostal church and we all stopped going many, many years ago. I joined the Catholic Church a couple of years ago. I know this is a lot of background, but it’s important to the question (I think).
I want to buy my sister one of those read-the-bible-in-20-minutes-a-day formats and my question is this: Should I buy one that states on the cover that it is a Daily Catholic Bible or should I just get one that IS a Catholic Bible but doesn’t state it upfront? Would it be wrong to give her a Bible and not tell her that it is a Catholic Bible?
Sorry if this is confusing, but I am confused.
I want to buy my sister one of those read-the-bible-in-20-minutes-a-day formats and my question is this: Should I buy one that states on the cover that it is a Daily Catholic Bible or should I just get one that IS a Catholic Bible but doesn’t state it upfront? Would it be wrong to give her a Bible and not tell her that it is a Catholic Bible?
Sorry if this is confusing, but I am confused.