A bishop speaks of occult!

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Bishop Donald W. Montrose tells how to recognise the influence of the Occult, what it is and how to avoid it. Do you have any 1st or 2edhand comments? This is on EWTN.
As a former catholic one of the things that use to trouble me was the ignorance of the faithful. I would go and recieve communion and see eucharistic ministers wearing jewelry that was not of the Lord. Some would wear Italian Horns, and others cultural superstitious symbolic[demonic] jewelry. I spoke to the pastor about it and he himself didnt know anything about it.Satan does a wonderful job keeping christians in ignorance. :eek: God Bless.
Sorry that you are a “Former Catholic.” Not all churches and pastors are like the situation that you described. No need to throw the baby out with the bath water.(Baptism) You received Communion. If you really believed in the true presence maybe satan did some work on you to keep you from the Precious Body and Blood of Jesus. There is apathy among Catholics and it causes us to lose faithful people such as yourself. I can only say that I am sorry there are folks like this, but do not blame the Church that Jesus gave us.

May God bless you and bring you back home soon,
Deacon Tony SFO
Deacon Tony560:
Sorry that you are a “Former Catholic.” Not all churches and pastors are like the situation that you described. No need to throw the baby out with the bath water.(Baptism) You received Communion. If you really believed in the true presence maybe satan did some work on you to keep you from the Precious Body and Blood of Jesus. There is apathy among Catholics and it causes us to lose faithful people such as yourself. I can only say that I am sorry there are folks like this, but do not blame the Church that Jesus gave us.

May God bless you and bring you back home soon,
Deacon Tony SFO
HI Deacon, No Im not blaming the church for the ignorance,BUT its the responsabilty of its leadership to know. Have you ever heard anyone from the pulpit preach on what Im talking about? Try paying a closer attention Deacon and I believe you will be surprised what you see. :eek: God Bless.
Maybe our parish has been insightful as we only have a few Eucharistic Ministers. As we are a small parish, I assist at half of the Masses each week and all of the Masses once a month. The few Eucharistic Ministers that we have don’t go in for that type of jewelry. We have one that is about 8O years old. But the point is well taken. Leadership must be aware of these things. Our pastor would be quick to preach on this, if he had to. He has been very vocal about coming to church in immodest clothing. A letter to the Bishop is always an option or finding another parish. Anything is better than separating yourself from the Sacraments.

Thank you for bringing this up,
Deacon Tony SFO
Deacon Tony560:
A letter to the Bishop is always an option or finding another parish. Anything is better than separating yourself from the Sacraments.
Thanks Deacon, a very true statement. Breaking away is never the Spirit of God.
“Where Peter is, there is the Church”
I think the link was very insightful…however, the section about music seemed a little vague. How do you know that the music is satanic? Is it directly satanic? if so, then I already avoid them because they are (and usually they aren’t very good anyway). If not, then I’m not so sure of which cd’s to get rid of. What if the artist is singing about personal experiences, not with satan, but with evil things, such as abuse as a child etc.? Or their own drug abuse that they are addressing as evil? Would those sort of things be considered satanic? I’m leaning towards no, but i don’t have the answers.

What got me also about this article was the lack of address towards television. I saw a commercial last night that almost made me shutter. It was advertising this party that goes on in Toronto and it was sponsored by “durex LOVE condoms”. The slogan was “share the LOVE with all your friends…cause everybody needs some LOVE”. I was shocked because 12 year olds watch this channel and it was only 6 o’clock. When i complained, my husband laughed at me and said I really was getting into catholicism…i take it as a compliment.
Music. In the USA an association ofwitches and adherants to the Occult called WICCA has expanded internationally. These people own three record companies with the goal of corrupting and inner disintergration of youth.They practice Satanism and are consecrated to Satan.These recordings invite listeners to celebrate, honor and praise Satan.
Two of the record labels are: Segno Editions and Piemme Editions.

There are four basic principles used.1. The beat,2.Volume intensity, 3.Subliminal messages, 4.Ritual concecration of every record at an actual Black Mass.

This just the tip of the iceburg.
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