With all of the anti-catholic rhetoric in books and the media, I came across this review and read the book in one night. It turned out to be one of the best books I have read but even more so made me feel good about being a Catholic. While it was a thriller, it was ultimatley about a man’s rediscovery of his faith in God and his belief in everlasting life through the love for his wife.
The review started out:
If Dan Brown’s THE DA VINCI CODE is the anti-matter of Catholic and Christian fiction, then Richard Doetsch’s THE THIEVES OF HEAVEN is the matter. And it does matter because it’s a superb debut novel, a gripping thriller crossed with a strong emotional grid that should make it appeal to a large section of the reading public.
Here is a link to the review:
%between%Thieves of Heaven
The review started out:
If Dan Brown’s THE DA VINCI CODE is the anti-matter of Catholic and Christian fiction, then Richard Doetsch’s THE THIEVES OF HEAVEN is the matter. And it does matter because it’s a superb debut novel, a gripping thriller crossed with a strong emotional grid that should make it appeal to a large section of the reading public.
Here is a link to the review:
%between%Thieves of Heaven