A call to fight against sin through fasting from the computer!

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Hello, I want to take this time to plea that you my brothers in Christ join me in giving up the computer for one week. (7 Days, July 2-July 8)

St. Augustine wrote, “fasting loves not many words, deems wealth superfluous, scorns pride, commends humility, helps man to perceive what is frail and paltry.”

I want to tell you all the need for strength in my own spiritual life, and in the world. I ask that you all accept this fast, with open arms and take up the intentions for all who have partaken in this sacrifice from the computer.

Today, was a low point in my spiritual point of most dispair and now I know what needs to be done. I need to resolve to head fully on the true path and not become lazy or neglect the needs of my spirit.

I will pray to Saint Justin Martyr for the week, because he is the patron saint of Apologetics and I consider many if not all, of you on this site apologetics of your faith. I will place a special devotion to him and our Mother Mary for the week for their help to guide the faithful Church away from sin and on the path to sainthood. If a protestant or non-catholic wishes to join in this fast, they are more then welcome, I will remember to keep all who partake in this time of self denial close in my prayers.

For some this is easy, for some this is extremely hard. If this is to hard, then ask; why is it to hard to give up for Christ? Remember what we read in Luke 9,“If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.”

Please, join me in this small, but powerful sacrifice against sin, whether that be in your personal life, in the world such as abortion or the war. All of your personal intentions will be brought forth in my prayers and I ask for a remembrance in yours.

No computer; to start at midnight tonight. Please Join with me and help fight Satan and all the demons that try to delude the faithful with sin. I will be praying for you all. God bless you and may he hold you close to his sacred heart.

I offer this my favorite irish blessing, to you all.

May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back,
The sun shine warm upon your face,
The rain fall softly upon your fields,
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.
Hello, I want to take this time to plea that you my brothers in Christ join me in giving up the computer for one week. (7 Days, July 2-July 8)

St. Augustine wrote, “fasting loves not many words, deems wealth superfluous, scorns pride, commends humility, helps man to perceive what is frail and paltry.”

I want to tell you all the need for strength in my own spiritual life, and in the world. I ask that you all accept this fast, with open arms and take up the intentions for all who have partaken in this sacrifice from the computer.

Today, was a low point in my spiritual point of most dispair and now I know what needs to be done. I need to resolve to head fully on the true path and not become lazy or neglect the needs of my spirit.

I will pray to Saint Justin Martyr for the week, because he is the patron saint of Apologetics and I consider many if not all, of you on this site apologetics of your faith. I will place a special devotion to him and our Mother Mary for the week for their help to guide the faithful Church away from sin and on the path to sainthood. If a protestant or non-catholic wishes to join in this fast, they are more then welcome, I will remember to keep all who partake in this time of self denial close in my prayers.

For some this is easy, for some this is extremely hard. If this is to hard, then ask; why is it to hard to give up for Christ? Remember what we read in Luke 9,“If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.”

Please, join me in this small, but powerful sacrifice against sin, whether that be in your personal life, in the world such as abortion or the war. All of your personal intentions will be brought forth in my prayers and I ask for a remembrance in yours.

No computer; to start at midnight tonight. Please Join with me and help fight Satan and all the demons that try to delude the faithful with sin. I will be praying for you all. God bless you and may he hold you close to his sacred heart.

I offer this my favorite irish blessing, to you all.

May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back,
The sun shine warm upon your face,
The rain fall softly upon your fields,
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.
Hello, I want to take this time to plea that you my brothers in Christ join me in giving up the computer for one week. (7 Days, July 2-July 8)

St. Augustine wrote, “fasting loves not many words, deems wealth superfluous, scorns pride, commends humility, helps man to perceive what is frail and paltry.”

I want to tell you all the need for strength in my own spiritual life, and in the world. I ask that you all accept this fast, with open arms and take up the intentions for all who have partaken in this sacrifice from the computer.

Today, was a low point in my spiritual point of most dispair and now I know what needs to be done. I need to resolve to head fully on the true path and not become lazy or neglect the needs of my spirit.

I will pray to Saint Justin Martyr for the week, because he is the patron saint of Apologetics and I consider many if not all, of you on this site apologetics of your faith. I will place a special devotion to him and our Mother Mary for the week for their help to guide the faithful Church away from sin and on the path to sainthood. If a protestant or non-catholic wishes to join in this fast, they are more then welcome, I will remember to keep all who partake in this time of self denial close in my prayers.

For some this is easy, for some this is extremely hard. If this is to hard, then ask; why is it to hard to give up for Christ? Remember what we read in Luke 9,“If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.”

Please, join me in this small, but powerful sacrifice against sin, whether that be in your personal life, in the world such as abortion or the war. All of your personal intentions will be brought forth in my prayers and I ask for a remembrance in yours.

No computer; to start at midnight tonight. Please Join with me and help fight Satan and all the demons that try to delude the faithful with sin. I will be praying for you all. God bless you and may he hold you close to his sacred heart.

I offer this my favorite irish blessing, to you all.

May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back,
The sun shine warm upon your face,
The rain fall softly upon your fields,
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.
A worthy endevour. But if I gave up the computer for a week, I’d be fired from my job. :eek: But blessings on the rest of you! :love:
No computer . . . except these boards?

Certainly these discussions help may members avoid sin, and the near occasion of sin, by occupying their idle time, by educating them, and by leading them to grace through the sacraments and an improved prayer life.

Staying away from these boards for a week might be considered a sin. :rolleyes:
Nearly all of my work (self-employed paid work) is done via computer, email, FTP, etc. No way can I afford to be off of my computer one week. But I can spend the week wishing I didn’t have to be at the computer. As an FYI, I spend so much time at the computer, the only recreation I get from it is these boards because I dislike being anywhere near it if I don’t have to be.

If you are going to fast from computer activities, I would recommend only those non-beneficial to you.

For instance, as someone who is homebound, I use the computer to attend daily mass. This is not something one should fast from.

Likewise, computer use that is beneficial, such as part of your work, part of your duties, prayful, helping you spiritually, probably should not be fasted from as well.

Computer games, casual chatting, casual browsing, yes, as penance.

computer use that has immoral aspects is an excellent thing to fast from, as the fast can help you break your attachment to it and draw your closer to God.

And any time you gain in your day should be put to beneficial purposes. So fasting from the computer and watching immoral TV accomplished little.
Thank you, I’ve felt called to do this too. I know what is good for me and what is not. I’ll see you when I return.
A worthy endevour. But if I gave up the computer for a week, I’d be fired from my job. :eek: But blessings on the rest of you! :love:
I would be, too. Too much of my school work involves online teaching. I also have my students turning in work online. As for email? Well, I was offline once for 2 days - I had over 1,000 emails waiting for me when I got back on. While much of it could be deleted quite easily, a lot of it was also assignments that had to be graded and returned, as well as professional correspondence.

However, for those who can. Fine. (Me? I’ve given up TV (except for three EWTN shows a week) for the past month. That was hard.

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