A Christmas Message from my son in law

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Date: Sat, 25 Dec 2004 09:51:30 -0600
Subject: Merry Christmas

I know most of you have not heard from me in about a year or more, but
nothing like the holiday season to have me come out of the woodwork. 🙂

As the Christmas season is once again upon us, the food is in
abundance, the beer is cold, and families are together. It is easy to forget in
the secure comfort and warmth of our homes that there are many
soldiers, airmen, and marines as well as other services and coalition forces on
hostile lands across the world. Today as we woke up to open the
Christmas gifts with families blessed on us, somewhere a soldier is alone far
from his or her’s. Please in this time of joy and celebration never
forget the sacrifices made for our country to be the cornerstone of
civilized society. Freedom is often a virtue taken far too granted. Our
ability to worship, celebrate, and enjoy the simple pleasures of life
freely is due to the direct actions of this country’s past and present
military power. In our celebrations and prayers lets include the ones who
have served and are serving to preserve our way of life so that our
children may lay their heads down to sleep without the fear of aggre
ssion upon them. Lets include in them strenght and resolve for those
families whose loved ones have made the ultimate sacrifice in the name of
our flag, our ideals, and those who can not help themselves. In this
time of joyous gathering lets remember the ones who make it and made it

Merry Christmas to all and may the new year bring all that you desire.


SSgt Ozzie Ozbek
US Air Force TACP
Joint Terminal Attack Controller
“All that is necessary for the forces of evil to take root in this
world is for good men to do stand by and do nothing”
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God Bles you all this Christmas Day,
That is beautiful. I wish they would read that on cnn;) God Bless you and Merry Christmas to you and your Family
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