“A Closer Look” with Sheila Liaugminas show on Relevant Radio ending??
This was a great show, I caught a bit of weekend rebroadcasting and it sounded like she has done her last “Closer Look” show which would be sad. But maybe she is going on to other things.
I felt kind of sad. Wherever Sheila might be going or whatever her next project is, I wish her the best. She’s a talented journalist, if she is moving on, I’m sure she’s moving up. She had a lot of good guests on her show.
This was a great show, I caught a bit of weekend rebroadcasting and it sounded like she has done her last “Closer Look” show which would be sad. But maybe she is going on to other things.
I felt kind of sad. Wherever Sheila might be going or whatever her next project is, I wish her the best. She’s a talented journalist, if she is moving on, I’m sure she’s moving up. She had a lot of good guests on her show.