A couple good books

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“I Am With You Always” by Michael Davies. It sticks to true Church teaching refuting many things repeated as mantra by traditionalists not under Ecclesia Dei or approved by Rome otherwise. Good for those who are traditionalists and those who sympathize with them to better critically read traditionalist literature. Still, he obviously prefers the Latin Mass. I believe the book is all good but check it out anyway for errors. You may only find it in a large Catholic bookstore but definitely one that caters to traditionalists. It straightened me out on some things I was getting from those like Fatima Crusader about the non-binding nature of Quo Primum, the legality of altar girls only (if oked by the bishop, I believe), or the legality of the 1970 missal (at least in its Latin orginal) and its sacraments despite the infamous “for all” in English and mysterium Fidei placement. Hint: FSSP and Society of St. John are ok.

These other books could probably be found in regular bookstores or ordered from them.

“The Golden Arrow” Great stuff for those disturbed by communism’s hidden influence in the lives of many Catholics and the blasphemies they have entered into many Catholics’ vocabularies. It has prophesies given to the saint and prayers to help God, St. Michael, the Virgin Mary et al. fight blasphemy and communism/freemasonry.

I am just reading “Ungodly Rage” I think it will be very informative. It is about radical feminism amongst Catholics, its desires and its dangers. It’s by Donna Steichen

“Hell” Can’t recommend it enough! It covers almost all sins as it admits it can’t tough every one imaginable. It is a two-part book. The first has stories and some reflections by the author from several decades or so again and the sins we can commit that can send us to hell if all the other elements of a mortal sin are present. Every Catholic should own it.

If you can find a booklet called “Rosary Album”, get it. It has pictures for every “Hail Mary” (including ones for the Stations of the Cross) and some "Our Father"s (or maybe just the first, I don’t remember now). Above each page you will find part of the Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary. There are Bible passages or stuff from tradition for each of the "Hail Mary"s for sure.
hey. you said ‘a couple’. that means TWO. you’re over your quota… 😛
i would highly recommend michael o’brien to anyone who has not yet read him. ‘father elijah’ is fantastic (this is a title by o’brien), as is ‘cry of stone’ and ‘eclipse of the sun’. very wise, very well written, very very good. he has quickly become my third fav writer of all time.
One funny coincidence here…

I’m not a writer, but I was thinking about writing a book like Rosary Album. There you go…
(laughing) I intended to mention only two but then I got inspired.
I have heard about a far-left writer named O’Brien mentioned in a couple non-traditionalist books. That’s not the same one is it?
I’m sorry. That was a “McBrien” I heard about. Nevermind.
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