I didn’t want to make multiple post so I will just post a couple of questions that have come to my mind that I don’t think I can answer well, or at all.
subconcious type of will of everyone not to do what you don’t want other to do to you, therefore that thesis explains exsistance of morality without a God.
- Is it fair of God to give people different amounts of grace of knowing God on this earth ?
Like for example how someone might not know about God because he was never told about the gospel and he will not be as happy as people who are able to know God. (Answered)
subconcious type of will of everyone not to do what you don’t want other to do to you, therefore that thesis explains exsistance of morality without a God.
- Another morality question I came to wonder. If morality is not evolved, why do animals show signs of morality. (They don’t kill their own species most of the time,they show compassion etc.)
- When it comes to the question of why God seems to be so hidden, one of the answers people give is in order not to interfere with out free will choice of choosing him. (Because if he were to constantly show himself, we would choose him more out of not wanting to go to hell, not because we love him )
So then, if the devil clearly menaged to not choose God with his free will, despite having beatific vision, why don’t we get the beatific vision given to us immidiately so that we could see how bad sin really is. (Or is this a consequence of original sin as my original answer was )
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